He wants to argue with me, but I know it is his wish that she enters the world here in the castle that has been his real home for centuries. He nods grimly.

“And play nice, you two,” I say to Remiel and CK as Devon grips my elbow.

They glare at each other and I growl at them. “If you don’t stand together this will never work,” I remind them.

They both nod reluctantly, and I wish that I could be there to ensure that they remain solid.

“Aefre, wait….” CK says, but then he is interrupted by a loud knock on the front doors.

“They’re here,” I say, brushing him off. “Don’t keep them waiting.”

I walk away from him with a straight back, needing him to forget about me and focus on the trial ahead.

“Err,” Devon says, as I grip his hand tightly as another contraction hits me. “Lizzie, I….”

“Don’t worry about it,” I say, patting his hand. He is at a complete loss and has no idea what to do. Unfortunately for him, his role is about to get really ugly.

We reach Dr. Hathaway’s office and as we walk inside, I immediat

ely seal it off. He looks up in surprise and I say, “It’s happening.”

“Oh,” he says, more than a little bit shocked. “Where is Mr. Aquila?”

“Not coming,” I say through gritted teeth.

He pats the bed and Devon helps me on. “Right, Mrs. Aquila, let’s get started.”

“Mrs. Aquila?” Devon chokes on it.

“Shut it,” I growl as a fierce pain rips through me.

“So does this young man know his role?” Dr. Hathaway asks, peering at Devon over the top of his glasses.

“No,” I say bluntly and Devon pales when he looks at me.

“Role?” he asks, scrunching up those beautiful blue eyes.

“Uh-huh. I am going to need to you Astraport out of here to go and find Xane,” I say to him.

“What? Why?” he asks suspiciously.

“He has access to a dagger that we are going to need in CK’s absence,” I pant through a contraction.

“Dagger?” Dr. Hathaway asks with a frown. “I thought it was going to be....” He waggles his fingers, blanching visibly at the thought of CK tearing into me with his claws.

“That won't work,” I grit out, shaking my head. “Devon isn't the same. He won't be able to hold it.”

“Hold what?” Devon asks, perplexed.

“The only way for Mrs. Aquila to give birth is by supernatural C-section,” Dr. Hathaway states clinically, to my admiration. “Mr. Aquila was to use his, err, Vampire claws to cut into his wife and hold it so that she didn't heal before I could reach in and take the child out.”

“Oh,” Devon says faintly, going pale. “Lizzie, that's...how much pain would that have caused you?”

“Not any more than I am in right now!” I shriek at him, startling him.

“I can do this,” he says steadfastly.

“No, you can't, Dev. The poison in his claws makes me heal slower. Even more so now that he is no longer my sire.”