I land in our bedroom and turn in a circle with my hands on my hips as I see the sight before me.

Chapter 10

“Don’t think this is going to make me forget what I have to say to you,” I say, gesturing to the hundreds of flickering candles and gorgeous black roses everywhere, as CK stoops to give me a kiss on the lips. He stiffens but I don’t really care. He steps back and takes my hand, leading me into the candlelit bathroom with the rose petal bath. He is prepared. He must have known when I went off with Xane that things would happen with us.

“I am so mad with you,” I say as he starts to undress me. “You have so much explaining to do to me.”

When I am completely naked, he leads me to the tub and picks me up and lowers me into it. It is blissfully hot and I sigh and sink back into the steaming water.

“What you did was inexcusable,” I continue and then it occurs to me, he hasn’t said a word yet. I glare at him and shut my mouth.

“I know,” he says quietly. “But please, Aefre. You have been off with someone or another all day and I need to spend time with you. I need to be with you. I am feeling very…out of sorts,” he adds to my disbelief. He sounds so unsure of himself. “I need some reassurance from you after everything that has happened today.”

Come again? I gape at him and he looks away highly uncomfortably at my incredulity.

“I lost a charge today, Aefre, or have you forgotten that?” he asks me bluntly.

I shake my head at him. “No, I didn’t forget, my love. I didn’t realize that it would be…difficult for you,” I say cautiously.

“Difficult?” he scoffs. “It has broken my heart. You were mine. The one good thing that I did to this world has been ripped from me and I don’t know if we can survive this.”

“What?” I ask, sitting up suddenly. “Of course we can, Constantine. We are stronger than that, stronger than our Vampire bond. We were destined right from the very beginning. You have been my destiny this entire time. We have come full circle, you and I, and this time it will be forever,” I exclaim with passion.

He is silent for a long time, staring at my tits. Finally, he reaches out and plucks off a rose petal from my nipple and gently drops it into the water. “Is that how you truly feel?” he asks. “All of you? Have you gotten the others in check?”

Ah crap. I am not going to lie to him.

“No, they are still quite separate from me. But, don’t fear, my love. I will rein them in and I will remain the dominant force.”

He sighs deeply and takes my hand. “I need you,” he whispers. “You cannot leave me.”

My heart swells with love

for him. I love it when he is so in control and he makes my panties melt with his authority, but this true emotion from him–fear–is so breathtaking I forget all about what he did to Vito and I draw him to me for a kiss. I feel him smile against my mouth and I am sure I know what he is thinking about. I grab him by his shirtfront and pull him into the bath with me with a loud splash that has us both giggling with delight.

“So fucking sexy,” I murmur against his lips as I run my hand through his wet hair. “How did I get so lucky?”

“It is I who is the lucky one, my sweet. You are a blessing to me. The light of my life,” he says, pushing my wet hair out of my eyes.

I let him claim my mouth then in a fierce kiss full of such passion and longing. I have been screwing about all over the place today, but this is the only real place I wanted to be. In the arms of my true husband. He lifts me out of the bath and he sloshes back to the bed, his clothes clinging to his hard body. I rake my gaze over him as he lays me gently on the bed and I enjoy watching him get rid of his clothes.

“I always did prefer you naked,” I say wickedly.

“Mm, back at you. You are pure perfection,” he says and I glow with the praise.

He crawls onto the bed and over me, placing his tongue on my aching pussy and licking all the way up my body until he reaches my mouth. He delves his tongue between my lips and I open up for him, accepting his tongue as he rams his cock into me so hard I feel like I am going to tear in half. He repeats his hard thrust and I wrap my legs around him, my absent fangs aching to drop so that I can taste him. I feel their loss and I whimper as he flashes his at me. He clamps down on my neck and groans when I saturate his cock as I writhe under him in rapture.

He pulls back sharply and licks his lips. “Fuck,” he groans. “I always wondered what it would be like to taste you before you were turned.” He bites me again and I come in an explosion of unadulterated lust.

My desire is quickly dampened as I think about all the human women he has bitten in all of his centuries since he was made. I can’t help but think of all the moments just like this he has experienced, all the fuck and feeds he has done, and it makes me turn from him.

He stills just as suddenly and pulls out of me. “What is it, Aefre?” he asks. “Did I hurt you?”

“No,” I say and let out a sob to my mortification. “I am being silly.”

“Tell me,” he demands quietly and turns my face back to look at him.

“Oh, Aefre,” he chides when I tell him about my thoughts. “Don’t think about that now.”