“We all did, but we were lied to by Xanthe. It wasn’t Xane. It was Vito,” I admit quietly.

“Jesus,” he says, breathing out. “Does Constantine know?”

“No, just you, me, and Vito. Xane knows it wasn’t his now,” I say, picking at the old quilt.

“Are you not going to tell him?” he ventures.

“I don’t want

to, but Vito insists that everyone know. I convinced him to keep quiet until after this one is born,” I say, circling my bump protectively.

“Fuck,” he says. “I’m…fuck. That Fae thing sure has a way of making babies come about, doesn’t it?”

“Yep,” I say and sit down. “One of the many reasons why I don’t want to tell CK.”

“Yeah, I hear you. That is going to be interesting,” he says.

I give him a withering glare but then fall back into his arms, just needing him to hold me.

Chapter 4

Ponte, Italy, October 2014 - Vito

He draws deeply on his cigarette and leans back against the ancient stone of the castle wall, looking out over what used to be the training courtyard at the back. He remembers with a smile how he held Aefre down while Constantine force-fed her. She was so outraged. He thinks it is the first time he really saw her as a woman and not a fragile waif.

“What do you want?” he asks, not bothering to turn to face the newcomer.

“I just heard something fascinating,” Frederick says.

“Oh?” Vito replies not really interested in anything this asshole has to say. He is less than happy that this Vampire has reappeared and that Aefre seems happy to see him.

“I heard that you happened to father a child with the lovely Lady Aefre,” Frederick says slyly.

Vito hisses and stamps out his cigarette, grinding it under his boot. “Who told you that?” he asks harshly.

“I overheard her talking to that charge of hers,” Frederick says. “Constantine won’t be happy.”

“Who cares,” Vito snarls. “All that matters is that he knows. What are you doing here anyway?” he adds, wanting to change the subject.

Fredrick shrugs nonchalantly. “I will tell all, when I don’t have to repeat myself,” he says, leaning against the wall casually.

“I suggest you learn how things work around here,” he says, getting into Frederick’s face. “Secrets fester and Aefre is not fond of surprises.”

“Oh, you think you know her better than I do?” Frederick drawls, incensing Vito.

He clenches his fists and resists the urge to smash his old partner in the face.

“I know I do,” Vito says quietly. “You may have gotten between her legs somehow with your lies about me, but what we shared was love.”

“And what we shared went far beyond that,” Frederick says, straightening up and priming himself for a fight.

“Don’t think that her flirting with you was anything more than that. She could never love a man like you,” Vito spits out.

“And yet you claim she loved you,” Frederick replies. “We were once the same, you and me. Don’t ever forget that.”

Vito growls at him. “So jealous,” he says with a smirk.

“Not at all,” Frederick replies. “I took what you had with her and surpassed it many times over.” The smugness in his tone makes Vito quake with rage.