To his credit, Dr. Hathaway has regained his poise and is busy tidying up the place. He doesn’t even flinch when CK approaches him with me trailing behind. He still has Delinda in his arms and I half expect Remiel to appear, but instead it is Frederick that Teleports in seconds after us.

“Uhm,” I say, really not wanting him here for this examination. I mean, who knows where this doctor is going to look?

“I was assigned as your protector, mi’ lady. I told you before that has never changed,” he says quietly to me as CK orders the doctor to take a thorough look at me and the baby.

He scowls at Frederick as he stands by my side, helping me clamber up onto the table. I lie back, feeling awkward, but that feeling soon dissipates when Dr. Hathaway purses his lips at me and starts prodding my belly.

“Hm,” he mutters and proceeds to get the ultrasound ready, which miraculously didn’t break when hit with a large Master Vampire earlier.

There is dead silence while he li

fts my dress, exposing my knickers to all and sundry, but I don’t really care. I am starting to panic. The sweat is beading on my forehead and my heart is starting to pound.

“Calm down,” Frederick says and takes my hand.

CK lets out a deep rumble and takes my other hand.

Delinda peers down at my swollen belly and then back at the screen where an image is now showing.

“I don’t see it,” she declares, squinting closer at the monitor.

“Here.” Dr. Hathaway shows her, and her eyes widen as she takes it in.

“Is she supposed to be upside down?” Delinda asks with a frown.

“Doctor?” CK interrupts. “Is everything okay?”

“She is doing just fine,” he says after a moment. He then adds, “as far as I can tell.”

“What does that mean?” I ask, terrified.

“Well, everything looks good, but without being able to do blood and urine tests we are flying blind here,” he explains.

“I can get you her blood,” CK says hastily, gripping my hand tighter.

“No, it wouldn’t matter as I don’t know what I would be looking for,” Dr. Hathaway says.

“But still….” CK presses.

“Maybe just a drop then,” Dr. Hathaway says, his eyes suddenly gleaming at the thought.

“Err,” I say, but it’s too late. CK has slashed open my wrist and I am bleeding into a small vial.

Frederick hisses but CK shrugs it off. He obviously doesn’t think that Dr. Hathaway is working with the Vampires to get to me and my precious Dark Fae blood.

“What would be the cause of the pain?” I ask in a small voice.

“Well, she has turned,” Dr. Hathaway says, showing me on the monitor and looking back at Delinda. “That is why she is upside down. She is getting ready to come out.”

“What?” I ask, sitting up in my shock. “Already?”

“Well, it can take a few more weeks in ordinary circumstances but you are far from ordinary,” Dr. Hathaway says, and I swear he is flirting with me. CK tends to agree and shuffles as close to me as he can. “As for the pain and dizziness, have you had a particularly stressful day?”

Well, that’s putting it mildly. “Every day is particularly stressful,” I say with a tight smile.

“Well, that has to stop,” he says sternly. “You need rest and peace.”

“Done,” CK says before I can say anything else.