“Who cares?” Remiel asks. “I am your sire, and this is my job to protect you. I will kill him and then he can no longer be a concern for you.”

“Aefre,” Sebastian says, switching my names in a desperate plea. “It isn’t what I meant to happen. I wanted you to choose me and the magick kicked in and then it happened, and I couldn’t let you go because I love you so much.”

“Liar,” CK hisses at him.

“What did you make me say to Constantine?” I ask him emotionlessly.

“Tell her and your death will be slow and painful,” CK growls at him.

“Tell me or I will kill you myself,” I say.

“Enough of this,” Remiel barks at us. “He dies, right now.”

“Agreed,” CK says, “but it’s up to me to protect my wife.”

“Don’t think I will be so easy to take out,” Sebastian drawls at them, getting his own magick ready after all this inane posturing. “I am so much stronger than you think.”

“If anyone is doing any killing, it is me,” I interject.

“I won’t give up on you, Aefre. You are my wife and you will bring my daughter back to me,” Sebastian warns me.

“She isn’t yours!” Remiel roars at him and I cringe, hoping that Lincoln has taken Delinda well out of earshot.

“I’m not even the one for you,” I say to him. “You have your real princess now; you just have to wait for her.”

He goes slightly green at that but it’s the truth. “You are the one,” he hisses at me. “You are the one.”

“Nope, which also makes Delinda not the one. Tell Drake thanks for letting me know himself, fucking coward,” I add sarcastically.

“No, Aefre, you don’t understand,” Sebastian says, coming closer. “You are still accepted.”

“Tough shit,” I sneer at him. “I don’t accept them, or you.”

“No,” he says forcefully. “I won’t let you do this.”

“Take another step and regret it,” CK says.

Sebastian flicks his magick to life and aims it straight at CK. The rest is like slapstick comedy in slow motion.

I, stupidly, dive in front of CK to save him, throwing a Dragon fireball at Sebastian in the process, but he pushes me out of the way, right as Remiel tries to dive in front of me to save me and gets the brunt of Sebastian’s magick, as my fireball hits Sebastian in the shoulder.

He howls with pain.

“Aefre!” CK roars at me, pissed beyond belief that I threw myself and our baby into harm’s way. But it’s a natural instinct. I couldn’t stop it.

“Remiel!” I cry out, my thoughts only on my sire.

He grunts his response at me, shaking off the force of the Light Fae magick, which, if he were any weaker, would have fried him more than it did. Sebastian didn’t hold back and seeing as it was aimed at CK, I wonder if he would’ve survived that.

“Bad move,” Remiel says, taking in a deep breath. He fires off a stream of Dragon fire right out of his palm, making me gape. I have orbs, sure, but this is something else altogether. Fuck me, I want it!

Sebastian holds up his hand and, with a glow of white and gold, the Dragon fire hits the wall, each of the two forces ramming up against each other, trying to get through the blockade.

“Aefre,” CK says to me. “Get back.”

I stumble backwards as he gently pushes me and then he spins around with his red cloud of power gushing from his hands. The air is full of powerful magick and it is making my hair stand on end. I can feel the heat and it is making me sweat.

“Jesus!” I scream as Remiel adds a second hand of Dragon fire, causing Sebastian to stumble back. “You are going to kill him!” I yell at them both but that only makes them more determined. Sebastian may be a King, but he is up against two of the most formidable creatures I have ever come across. CK’s power is staggering and, well, we all knew Remiel was beyond powerful.