“An old Vampire named Frederick,” Devon whispers.

“Oh,” I say and turn away as I feel my cheeks go a bit pink and my heart start to race. “What did he want?”

“To warn you that my father isn’t giving up on his quest to steal your child,” Remiel states, standing up and taking Delinda back off me in a slightly possessive move. It irritates me until I remember that I have given him the honor of being her father now that Sebastian is so far out of the picture, you can’t even see him.

“You said you would take care of it,” I snap at him, my worry causing me to raise my voice. I can understand why this has thus far been a really hushed conversation. If CK finds out that a) Frederick was here and b) that Laurentis is trying to steal his child, I dread to think of the consequences. Although, considering his new, and very creepy attitude, maybe he wouldn’t care that Frederick was here? I can dream...

“I thought I did,” Remiel replies in a whisper. “Don’t fret, my sweet, I will take care of it.”

Both Devon and I just stare at him, with our mouths open, over what he just called me. Oh, the old gods, if CK hears that, newfound attitude or not, he will go crazy.

“Don’t call me that,” I say stiffly.

“I thought you liked it?” Remiel says, giving me a level gaze. He is testing me. Asshole.

Devon stifles his snicker, badly, forcing himself into a coughing fit that is interrupted by the man himself.

“Liked what?” CK asks, keeping his distance from the four of us huddled around, looking so very suspicious, I am sure.

“My sweet!” Delinda yells out suddenly.

I can feel my cheeks flame, my nerves shot. “It’s nothing,” I say, trying to dismiss it. “Remiel, will you please take Delinda outside to enjoy the sunshine? I will be with you shortly.” I need to split us up quickly.

“Of course,” he says with a smile at me that speaks volumes. He is trying to cause friction. That is going to have to be dealt with. I cannot have him going obsessive over me right when CK decides to go apathetic on my arse.

I am quick to go over to CK to seek his reassurance. He gives me a loving smile that is only slightly tight and takes my hand.

“Are you going back to the Underworld?” he asks me.

“Yes, there are some things I need to take care of,” I answer, needing to get to Xanthe to explain herself.

“For how long?” he asks.

I give him a curious look. “I’m not sure, my love. We do live there.”

“I live here,” he states firmly. “I would, of course, like you to join me here.”

“Err,” I stammer, somewhat sideswiped by this news. He was supposed to come with me wherever I go, not stay here while I go somewhere else. And then there is everyone else. “Alone?” I ask with a quick look at Devon. He avoids my gaze but it’s only so that I can’t see his fear that I will abandon him.

CK gives Devon a level stare. He eventually can’t avoid it, so he brings his eyes to my husband’s with a challenging glare.

“Yes,” CK says, after much tension. “But I understand your…” He waves his hand in Devon’s direction. “He can, of course, be here when you want him to be.”

So not permanently then. But it’s a start!

I bite my lip to hide my beam. Maybe this new attitude doesn’t stink after all. Two days ago, it would have been a resounding “no” to Devon moving in here.

“And there are plenty of villas in this area now where you can engage in your other activities. It is time we put all of this nonsense behind us, Aefre, and moved back to Earth. Don’t you agree?” he adds.

“Erm.” I am absolutely speechless. Engage in my other activities? I assume that means Lincoln is not invited. What the fuck? What is he doing? This is all wrong. He is supposed to try and force me to stay, manipulate me, and blackmail me, all of the things that he has always done to get me not to leave him. Now, he practically has his foot on my arse as he is shoving me out of the door. “Okay,” I say eventually as there isn’t another damn thing, I can think of to say to that.

I hear Devon let out the breath he was holding in the ensuing, awkward silence and I clear my throat. I lean forward to kiss CK and I am glad that he kisses me back, his arm circling my waist to pull me closer to him.

“Excellent,” he says, looking down at me. “I will make this the perfect home for our little girl.”

“Awesome,” I say, wondering if there is a remote possibility that he conned me yesterday and that this is somehow an Other World version of my husband.

“Fan-damn-tastic,” Devon says. “A move back to Earth will be just the thing. I’ll go and find us somewhere to live.”