“No,” I say, trying my hardest not to laugh. “CK and I were married long before Kalen and I were united.”

“Oh,” she says. “I don’t get that either.”

“All you need to know is that CK and I are happy, and we are having a baby. This baby,” I say to her firmly.

“So, she isn’t my sister,” Delinda asks after a long, meaningful pause.

“Yes, she is. Your half-sister,” I say. “I am your mother and hers.”

“But we have different daddies,” she states.

“Yes,” I say, my cheeks now flaming like the fires of Hell. I want the Earth to open up and swallow me whole!

“Humph!” she says rudely, crossing her arms. “Does Daddy know about this?”

“Yes, he does,” I say and CK nods his confirmation.

“Oh,” she says, surprised by that. “Oh, okay.”

And just like that the subject is closed as she picks up the cards again.

CK and I purse our lips at each other. That did not go well. I can’t give her any more surprises. It’s not fair to her. I can never tell her that Sebastian isn’t her father after all. He will just have to bear that title and I will just have to live with it.

“How about one more game and then I show you the garden?” I say to change the mood.

“Fine,” she says grumpily. “But no cheating.” She aims a glare at CK, and he agrees readily.

The Underworld, October 2014 - Devon

He was thoroughly pissed to find that Constantine had taken Lizzie away from the Underworld while he was in the shower. He feels like a caged animal, wanting to go after her but unable to find her. She has been placed behind wards and this time it is to keep them out so that Constantine can be alone with her.

It has come down to this, he thinks, as he marches into the kitchen to find Remiel. He sees the man sitting there drinking a cup of tea as if he doesn’t have a care in the world.

“Find her and bring her home,” Devon says to him with his arms crossed.

Remiel gives him a cold look and goes back to his tea. “You don’t order me about, boy. But I am glad we are alone to speak. Time to give me what you owe me.”

“I will, but how am I supposed to convince Aefre to be with you if I can’t fucking find her?” Devon growls at him. “Besides, she has already given you Delinda.”

“Yes, she has,” Remiel says with a big smile. “Aefre will return soon enough, and if she doesn’t, I will go for her,” Remiel says, unconcerned. “Right now, I need you to swear that you won’t betray me.”

The sentence was said innocently enough but the threat that lingers sends ice down Devon’s spine.

“My loyalty lies with my sire,” Devon says carefully. “I will always want what is best for her and Constantine is not what is best for her.”

“And?” Remiel presses.

“And I don’t know you. I don’t know if you are what is right for Aefre or not. What I do

know is that you are her sire and I know you will do anything to protect her, am I right?” Devon asks.

“Of course,” Remiel scoffs.

“Then you have my word that I will help you get Aefre,” Devon says and weighs his next words carefully. “On one condition.”

“No,” Remiel snaps at him. “We already made the deal. I rescued Cole.”

“And for that I will be eternally grateful,” Devon says to placate him. “Things have changed now that I have been re-turned. I want your word that there will always be a place for me with my sire. No matter what happens between the two of you, I will always be here.”