“Yes,” Vito says, annoyed at the interruption.

“Again?” Constantine asks. “She is now neither Empress nor the Dark Fae Princess?”

“That makes total sense now,” Devon says, understanding dawning. “They haven’t tried very hard to come after her because they don’t want her or Delinda anymore.”

“But they did come,” Constantine says. “Sebastian wants his wife back.”

“Yes, that is my way of thinking,” Vito says. “Although, I would imagine that Drake is trying to talk him out of it as we speak.”

“So that he can be free in a few years to marry the new Princess,” Devon says, going slightly green. “This is so weird.”

“But excellent news,” Constantine says with a smug grin. “My wife is now free from all of this nonsense and we can move on with our lives.”

“Agreed,” Devon says, feeling the relief wash over him. Now he and Lizzie can go back to the way things were before she met Cole, and everything went into an epic landslide. “So, if we aren’t bothered about the Faeries coming to wage war, can you drop the wards now?” he adds to Remiel. He needs to get out of here before he tears into every single being in this room, which would only lead to his own demise. Not the best plan he ever came up with.

Remiel gives him a withering glare but then snaps his fingers and they all feel the pressure lift as the wards drop.

“I’m outta here,” Devon mutters and Astraports himself straight to Earth and into the Feeding club ‘X-tasy’, situated in downtown L.A., scaring the shit out of every Vampire, and human, in the place.

The manager rushes over, sensing that Devon is more than just a “regular” Vampire, and is, therefore, eager to please him.

“Feeders, three,” Devon says, eyeing up a sultry seductress stalking towards him. He grabs her by the arm and drags her into a back room, ready to sink his fangs into her.

“I do extras,” she purrs at him, flicking her long, dark hair over her shoulder.

“Not interested,” Devon says, and he isn’t. He wants to feed, nothing more. He is utterly devoted to his sire. His wife-to-be.

He presses her against the wall and drops his fangs, piercing her flesh with one sharp bite. She moans at the pain, but it soon turns to pleasure as he suckles from her.

He pulls back as they are interrupted by the other two Feeders that he requested. He takes one of them by the wrist and bites down.

This feels so good. This is exactly what he needs. Fresh human blood, and lots of it. He reaches the limit on the Feeder and pulls his fangs out, holding out his hand for number three. His thirst is almost slaked. He bites down again on the wrist. Hard enough that she gets little pleasure from it. He finishes off, dropping the arm of the last Feeder.

He doesn’t even bother paying these blood-whores for their services, he just Astraports straight back to the Underworld. It isn’t like they can track him down and demand reparation.

He is disappointed to find that Lizzie is no longer in his bedroom. Constantine must have taken her to their room. He will shower and change and then go to curl up with his sire and seek the need for attention that is clawing at him.

Chapter 16

Ponte, Italy, October 2014 - Constantine

He looks down at his sleeping wife, glad that he finally has some time with her. Once they agreed there was no real danger to Aefre and her daughter and Remiel dropped the wards, he brought her straight here, to their home. There is nothing stopping them now from being here where they belong.

He runs his hands lovingly over her stomach and when the baby kicks again he smiles in delight and absolute adoration. Aefre grunts in her sleep as she kicks again and Constantine bends down to place a tender kiss on her bump.

“I love you,” he murmurs.

“I love you too,” Aefre says, running her hand through his hair.

“I was talking to the baby,” he says with a chuckle. “But I do love you, Aefre.”

She smiles at him and looks around, her eyes wide. “Should we be here?” she asks.

“After Vito told us about the new Dark Fae Princess, we agreed that there was little danger to you and Delinda. As a precaution, I have set wards around the grounds, but that is more so we can be alone,” he says.

“So, are we alone?” she asks, her eyes lighting up.

“In a manner of speaking,” he says.