“I love you too,” I say and take his face in my hands. “I was so scared then. I thought…”

He takes my hands and kisses them repeatedly. “I would never let you down, my sire. Not even with this.”

I bite the inside of my lip and then push him back to sit on the bed. “Dev, how do you feel?”

“Amazing,” he admits sheepishly. “I forgot just how strong, how capable we are like this. Did you?”

“Yes,” I admit, also sheepish. “It is why I knew I needed Remiel to turn me again. I need this Vampire inside me. I am so much less without it.”

“I understand it now,” Devon says. “I wasn’t happy about it and I didn’t understand, but now I do. How do you think he is going to react?”

“Who cares?” I say with a happy smile that covers up my lie. I do care and I am worried about how Remiel will react to this news. CK always knew that with a hundred and eighty years under our belt without him, he couldn’t touch Devon. I am not so sure that Remiel is that evolved. I need to extend an offering that he won’t be able to refuse and that will, hopefully, make this right for him. And while I have an ulterior motive, I know just the thing.

“I suppose we had better let them in,” Devon says, pulling his pants back on. “The sooner they know, the better.”

“Yeah,” I say, my mouth suddenly dry, and it isn’t about telling CK. I know that deep down he will have expected this; in fact, he probably already knows what went down in here. And even if he is mad, I know how to handle him. Remiel is a totally different story. He is volatile and so incredibly powerful without remorse; I’ll admit it scares the crap out of me now that I am faced with telling.

“You’re worried,” Devon says astutely.

“Remiel is nothing like CK,” I start.

“You can deal with it,” Devon says with a smile. “I never met a man you couldn’t wrap around your finger.”

“How about Cade?” I ask snidely. “Or Pierre’s grandfather?”

Devon gives me a searching look and then huffs out a breath. “Cade is in fact now your sibling,” he states, ignoring the Pierre dig.

“No kidding,” I say with a twist of my lips. “Where the fuck is he anyway?”

“Still in the Light Fae Kingdom shagging Sebastian’s mom,” Devon ventures a guess.

“Ergh,” I say with a shudder. “Do you think she spelled him?”

“For sure,” Devon says. “Like mother, like son.”

“We need to rescue him,” Devon then says as if he knew what I was thinking. “Maybe after you have confronted them.”

“And what am I supposed to do?” I ask, showing him my fear.

“Oh, Lizzie,” he says. “If only I could tell you that. I guess you have to decide what punishment fits the crime.”

“Crimes,” I growl at him. “They killed my baby.” I suddenly break down in tears and he holds me close to him. I find all the comfort I need in his embrace and I welcome it.

“I know,” he says soothingly. “Everyone here is talking about revenge, but you can be the only one who gets to dish it out.”

“You said that Lincoln was with me the last couple of days,” I blurt out, needing to get this off my chest. “Why did he not tell me what was going on?”

“He wanted to,” Devon says. “But Sebastian threatened to separate you two for eternity. You know what that would do to him. Don’t blame him, Lizzie. He had your back and Vito came through.”

“You mean Liv did,” I snarl at him. “What the Hell was Remiel thinking, bringing her here?”

“It was a good plan. It saved you,” he says to my surprise.

“Have you spoken to her?” I ask carefully.

“Yeah, we talked. She is supposedly all reformed. Whatever,” he says with a cold shrug.

“I know that I promised you her head on a plate,” I say. “I will give you that.”