“I love you too,” he answers as a pair of familiar, forest green eyes suddenly swim into view so very close to me.

I let out a muffled cry and scoot across the bed, rolling over and landing on the floor in my haste to get away from them.

“Fraser?” I ask, pushing my hair out of my face as I peer over the top of the bed at him.

“Yes, Aefre,” he says cautiously, peering back at me.

I stand up suddenly and he lurches forward with his hands outstretched. When he sees I am steady on my own two feet, he stops his approach.

“What are you doing here?” I ask in confusion. I know it isn’t my Fraser. It is Other Fraser. But that is about all I know. “Where is here? What is going on?”

Other Fraser is about to tell me something when the door gets thrown to the floor and trampled over in the rush of my men to get through it as quickly as possible.

“Whoa!” I say, putting a hand up as they all come barreling towards me. I step back with my hand on my stomach. “Will someone please tell me what is going on? Where am I? Why is Other Fraser here? Where is Delinda?” I suddenly roar when I don’t see her in the group.

“She is sleeping next door,” Remiel says reassuringly. “She is just fine, Aefre.”

I nod. “Sleeping? Well, probably not now after your herd of elephant’s impression. What the fuck?” I indicate the door.

“Aefre,” Constantine says, coming forward slowly, as Remiel snaps his fingers and fixes it. “Do you know who you are?”

“What?” I ask him, puzzled. “Of course I do.”

He gives me a questioning look that I find mildly insulting. “And that would be…?” he presses me gently.

“Aefre, you fool,” I bark at him and see his sigh of relief. “Someone had better tell me right now, what the Hell is going on!”

Constantine comes closer and takes my hands, gripping them tightly as his face goes way too serious for my liking.

“I will talk to her,” Devon says, pushing Constantine away. “You have absolutely no tact whatsoever.”

Despite my confusion, I stifle my noise of agreement and Devon grins at me.

“Lizzie,” he says.

I nod at him warily as it was almost a question. His own relief is evident.

“What is the last thing you remember?” he asks me as he takes my hand and leads me over to the bed. I can hear a pin drop, it has suddenly gone so quiet in here, no one taking even a breath as they wait for my answer to that very odd question.

I scrunch up my face and then I slam a furious expression onto it. “Cole!” I exclaim, standing up and giving them all accusatory glares. “I found out that Tiamat has Cole and you all kept it from me!”

“Cole is fine,” Devon says hastily, dragging me back down to sit. “He is downstairs. Sleeping. Heavily. But fine.”

“Oh,” I say, the wave of happiness washing over me. “Well, good,” I add firmly. “Who rescued him?”

“I did,” Remiel says before anyone else can even open their mouth to speak.

I give him a slightly dazzling smile that lights up his eyes and then it drops from my face. “Wait, none of this is making any sense. Where are we? The Underworld?” I know for a fact we aren’t in the Fae Kingdoms.

“Yes, the Underworld,” Devon confirms. “Think back, Lizzie. Do you remember anything else after you found out about Cole? Going outside your father’s palace for instance?”

I search his eyes, looking for something that will tell me what the Hell his questions are all about, but my darling bo

y has been spending way too much time in the company of my ex-sire. I can’t see fuck all on his usually open face.

I close my eyes and try to do as he says.

“Think, Lizzie,” he prods me.