“I can’t,” she snaps. “This place is locked down tighter than a nun’s cunt. No one can get in or out.”

“Charming,” Devon mutters. He really isn’t a fan of that word. It’s vulgar. Fitting, though, considering out of whose mouth it came.

“So, get Remiel to drop the wards,” Constantine says. “I want that man away from my wife.”

“Not a good idea,” Devon interjects, thoroughly enjoying seeing Other Liv in such a submissive position.

“Why not?” Constantine asks and turns his fierce glare towards him.

“Because all it takes is a second,” Devon points out. “They could be in, in the same time as it would take for her to get out.”

“Fuck,” Constantine lets out but doesn’t let Other Liv go. “Then give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just kill you both right now,” he says to her.

“You don’t want to do that,” she says, the warning in her voice so strong it almost came with flashing lights.

“Oh no? I couldn’t give a shit what happens to your World,” Constantine says.

“You will if you kill me,” Other Liv says, averting her eyes.

“What aren’t you saying?” Devon asks quickly. She is hiding something, and it is big. Big enough that she had to look away. She never looks away.

She stays silent and Constantine slams her head hard against the fridge, denting it in the process. “Answer the question,” he says, “or you will wish that I had killed you.”

Other Liv brings her eyes back up to Devon’s and shakes her head. “I can’t. It isn’t for you to know.”

Constantine also looks at Devon and in the same instant they both hit the same conclusion. “Whoever, of Dragon lineage, kills the Empress, becomes the Empress,” Devon breathes out and Constantine snarls at him like a rabid dog. “Sorry, Emperor,” he says hastily.

Other Liv’s grimace tells him that he is right. “Shit,” he says and grabs Constantine by the arm. “Fuck!”

“Yeah,” Constantine says and releases Other Liv. “Get out,” he says to her.

“Gladly, assholes,” she mutters, rubbing at her neck and making a quick escape.

“Do you know what this means?” Devon whispers urgently.

“It means that Aefre isn’t the Empress now that Tiamat is dead…” Constantine says.

“…it means that Dracul has become Emperor,” Devon interrupts.

“And that any child born with Dragon lineage to Aefre is off the hook,” Constantine finishes.

“Fuck! What does this mean for Lizzie?” Devon asks.

“I have no idea,” Constantine says worriedly. “But he said it was safe for her to come home. I don’t think he means her any harm.”

“But we can’t be sure. I mean, that is one scary-ass dude,” Devon says.

“It’s troubling,” Constantine says, “but nothing we can’t handle. Keep this between us for now, understand? Aefre has enough to concern herself with presently. I will let the others know to keep quiet.”

“Done,” Devon says, and, with a nod, Constantine exits the kitchen, leaving Devon to contemplate what the fuck is going to happen in the next few days while he polishes off his sandwich.

The Underworld, October 2014 - Aefre

I know I am dreaming. I have to be as I can hear Fraser murmuring sweet nothings in my ear, telling me how much he loves me and wants to be with me. He is saying all of the things I wish he was here to say in person, and it makes me sad. I want the dream to end as much as I want it to never end. I still miss him so much.

“I love you, Fraser,” I hear myself mumble, reaching out my hand to stroke his face. When I hit flesh, it startles me. I feel strange, like someone has pulled a thick blanket off my brain. I no longer feel smothered under the fog of darkness.

I blink my eyes. They feel like sandpaper because they are so dry. My tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth, so I pull it off and try to swallow.