
“Aefre,” he says more firmly, giving her a little shake, and picking up her hand to slide her rings onto her left ring finger.

Hmm, Drake probably gave them to him when shoved Constantine back into the Underworld.

“It’s no use,” Devon says. “She is lost.”

“Not for long,” Remiel says and goes to the door to call someone in.

Devon looks over, as does everyone else, and his heart drops when he sees who is standing there.

“Other Fraser,” he says flatly.

“This will work,” Remiel says brightly. “It will give her a jolt.”

“And then what?” Devon snarls at him. “She will be devastated that it isn’t real.”

“But she will be returned, that is all that matters,” Remiel says, fixing his cold eyes on Devon.

“No, it isn’t,” Devon says, slapping his hand to Other Fraser’s chest as he proceeds forward. “I was there last time. You don’t want to put her through this.”

“So was I,” Constantine says, standing up. “This will be a disaster.”

“Not if we are there to help her,” Remiel says.

“Fraser,” Other Liv says quietly and holds her hand out to him.

He is looking down at Lizzie and is paying his sire no attention whatsoever. Devon can see that it hurts her, and he is glad.

“I have to do this,” Other Fraser says. “You have all tried.”

“I haven’t tried hard enough,” Devon says firmly. “Give me some time.”

“You aren’t bound to her anymore,” Remiel says. “What makes you think you can bring her back?”

“He isn’t bound to her either,” Devon growls.

“No, but his presence here will definitely have an impact on her.”

“As much as I hate this, I agree,” Constantine says quietly.

Devon glares at him. He thought that of all of the men in this room, he would be the one to fight this the most. It is a bad idea. A really bad idea.

Devon watches as Other Fraser sits down next to her on the sofa and strokes her face. The loudest strangled moan comes from Other Liv and Devon gives her a curious look. She is really afraid she is going to lose him. He has no idea how that makes him feel, all he knows is, he has to twist the knife even further.

“Very well,” he says. “We will play this out, but I warn you of the consequences.” To Other Fraser, he says, “Call her Emily.”

Constantine hisses at him and he swallows. He has just done something so stupid to the woman that he loves and all for revenge on a woman that he despises. It worked, though. Other Liv’s eyes cloud over, and he sees the damage that he has caused.


“Take her upstairs,” Remiel says. “No one is to interrupt them.”

“Oh no,” Constantine says. “I may reluctantly agree that this Fraser might jog something in her, but I am not leaving him alone with my wife.”

“You will interfere,” Remiel says with his arms crossed.

“Who made you boss?” Devon grumbles annoyed at his attitude.