Sebastian gives him a suspicious look that he slides across to Lincoln. He seems to remember then that Vito has no transportation powers of any kind and therefore cannot get Aefre out of here. He gives Vito a smug smile and says, “Fine, I will be right back.”

Sebastian leaves and Lincoln is about to ask him something, but Vito puts his finger to his lips and shakes his head. They wait a few more seconds and then Vito opens the door and peers down the corridor. It seems that Sebastian has in fact gone to find Drake. Unless he is being foolish, and the Light Fae King is waiting for him

with an army at the bottom of the stairs.

“Go,” he says urgently to Lincoln. They must take this chance.

“Where?” Lincoln asks, getting into motion quickly, bundling Aefre up in a blanket that covers her head and then he gathers her up in his arms.

“The forest, another Aefre is waiting for us,” he says.

He sees the look of dislike on the Wolf’s face, but he doesn’t have time for more issues. “Go!” he snaps.

Lincoln doesn’t hesitate then. He heads for the door.

“I will be right behind you with Delinda,” Vito says. “If I am not with you when you reach Liv, go. Get Aefre out of here.”

“Done,” Lincoln says grimly. He flings the comatose Aefre over his shoulder, fireman style, and makes for the stairs.

“Come with me,” Vito says, holding his hand out for Delinda.

“No,” she says. “Bring Mama back.”

“I can’t do that,” Vito says. “She is in danger here.”

Delinda’s eyes go wide as he waves the hand that he is holding out for her. “Why?” she asks.

“I will tell you everything once we get to the forest,” Vito says, wishing he had taken Aefre and left Lincoln to deal with the girl. He has no idea how to handle a child.

“What about Daddy?” Delinda asks.

“You can see him later. We need to go right now,” Vito almost shouts at her but calms his temper as he sees her bottom lip waiver. “Come,” he says more gently. “Your Mama needs you to be with her.”

“Okay,” the girl says quietly and takes Vito’s hand. He scoops her up and makes a run for it. He heads down the stairs quickly but has to slow his pace as he goes through the Entrance Hall. He hopes that Lincoln just ran for it with his Wolf speed. Once outside, he takes off with his Vampire speed and Delinda whoops with delight in his ear at his pace. He looks back once to see some of the Dark Fae army racing after them, calling to him to halt. They have seen him trying to escape with the blessed child. He will be executed for this if he gets caught. He picks up his speed, using every ounce of strength that he has to go faster. He crashes into the forest with only moments to spare. Liv was about to leave with Lincoln and Aefre.

“Wait!” he calls, and they turn with matching looks of relief.

“Mama?” Delinda cries as she sees Liv standing there and then she looks upset and confused as she realizes that it isn’t her mother at all, but a stranger that looks just like her.

“Go,” Vito says. “To the library, if you can.”

Liv grabs onto them, him clutching Delinda and Lincoln still carrying Aefre, and away they go with half of the Dark Fae Guard seconds from them.

Chapter 10

The Underworld, October 2014 - Devon

Cole is still out, and it is starting to be a concern for him. At least he is breathing, that is all that Devon can cling to at the moment. He looks up as he hears a ruckus and then stands up quickly as Other Liv, Lincoln, Vito, Delinda, and Aefre arrive back in the library.

“Wards, now!” Vito yells. “They will be here any second!”

Remiel snaps his fingers and they all stumble at the force of the ward that has just sprung up.

“Jesus,” Devon says, rubbing his head and then going quickly to Lizzie. He is shocked at what he sees on her face, which is precisely nothing. She has zoned out of this world and is somewhere that no one can get to her. “Lizzie?” he asks, taking her hand, checking to see if his ring is still there. It is, so Sebastian must not have known about their engagement. He notices straightaway her rings from Constantine are gone. Lincoln carefully places her on the sofa opposite Cole. “Lizzie, please, say something,” he begs her.

“She can’t,” Lincoln says shortly. “She is gone.”

“Nonsense!” Constantine says, shoving Devon out of the way and taking her hand. “Aefre, my sweet, look at me.”