“Humph,” Liv says out of a lack of anything else to say to him.

“So, will you do it?” Constantine asks her quietly.

Liv thinks it over and concludes that she doesn’t really have much of a choice. It’s either this or Fraser gets killed. She has done enough to the man; she needs to start making it up to him. And then, of course, there’s the ass kicking…

“I don’t like the plan,” Vito suddenly pipes up and her eyes find his. They are a remarkable purple swirl, almost hypnotizing. “It’s too risky, too offensive. We need to be sly or we will never get her out of there alive.”

“Aw,” Liv says, touched, reaching out and curling her hand around his bulging bicep.

He glares down at her. “I was talking about Aefre,” he says flatly.

“Oh,” she says and removes her hand. Of course, no one here cares enough about her to want her back alive.

“You will be nothing more than a mode of transportation,” he says. “You will take me. You will stay in the forest and I will try and get Sebastian away from Aefre somehow and send her, Delinda, and Lincoln to you. You return here with or without me. Got it?” he says with such authority her knees go a bit weak. Without waiting for her agreement, he continues to Remiel, “As soon as they land here, you need to throw up wards strong enough to keep Sebastian out. In fact, everyone out.”

“Done,” Remiel says and stands up. “A solid plan.”

“Don’t trust her, Vito,” Devon says. “She will betray you.”

“Give me a little credit,” Liv suddenly snaps at him, getting annoyed with his pissy attitude. “I am trying to change, Devon. I am sorry for the things that I did to you, this is my way of trying to make amends.”

“Whatever,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “I will never believe that no matter what you do.”

“Well, that’s up to you,” she says and turns her back on him. “I take it Delinda is the daughter everyone is fighting over?” Her curiosity has never been so piqued. She will attempt this death mission for no other reason now than to meet the girl she is so desperate to conceive in her own World.

“That’s correct,” Remiel says possessively.

Liv just nods. “How do you know I can get you in?” she asks Vito.

“I am a Dark Fae Vampire. It won’t be a problem, all I need is the ride,” he answers shortly, almost reluctantly. Why was he cautious about telling her he is a Dark Fae Vampire? What else doesn’t she know?

“Oh, she’ll fucking ride you all right,” Devon snarks behind her back and she tenses but ignores him. “Mode of transport, yeah, a fucking bike.” The scoffing insult irritates her, but she chooses the high road and ignores him instead of busting his nose flat against his face.

“Dark Fae,” she whispers. “I knew there was something different about you.”

“Yeah, yeah, you can bang him later once Aefre is safely returned,” Devon says, and Constantine shoves him out of the room to her relief. She knows he is sore over what she did to him, and she will get him on his own to apologize if she gets the opportunity, but right now she needs to focus. She is attempting something that she has never done before and by everything she holds dear, she cannot fail in front of these Others. Her ego will just not allow it.

The Dark Fae Kingdom, October 2014 - Lincoln

“What are you doing?” Sebastian asks him.

Lincoln is startled out of the trance he was in. Aefre’s mental blocks have crashed down now that she is no longer in charge of her faculties and it has dragged him in. He is seeing what she is seeing, and it breaks his heart. She does remember. She just doesn’t know how to process all the pulls that have been conflicting her, including her own personas.

“Nuthin’,” he says quickly as Sebastian glares at him.

“You are sifting through her thoughts, aren’t you,” Sebastian snipes at him, giving him a shrewd look.

“No,” Lincoln says, caught red-handed.

“Yes, you are,” Sebastian says and then eagerly drops to the bed. “What can you see?”

“None of your business,” Lincoln says curt


“Oh, but it’s yours?” Sebastian remarks. “Spill, Wolf.”

Lincoln heaves a sigh. “She is dreaming about Devon, okay? Does that make you happy now?”