“Who are you?” she asks with a salacious lick of her lips. He is one of the most gorgeous men she has ever come across, and by the old gods, she has come across plenty. “And why don’t I know you?”

“Vito,” the big hunk of a man spits out. “And I am not new,” he adds in disgust.

“I can sense that,” Liv says. “What I meant was I don’t know you. I don’t have a version of you yet.”

“I beg your pardon?” he asks with a fierce frown.

“How long ago did you meet Aefre?” Liv asks with an arched eyebrow.

“Over seven hundred years ago,” he growls at her.

Liv is slightly surprised by that. How come she doesn’t have a Vito in her World? It makes no sense.

“Enough with this,” Constantine says and grabs her arm to get her to face him. “What are you doing here?”

“Your Remiel came to get me,” Liv says, pulling her arm free from his strong grip. “I believe I am the only one who can help Aefre now?”

“Why do you keep calling her that?” Constantine snarls at her.

“It’s her name, isn’t it?” Liv replies coldly.

“Get he

r out of here,” Devon says quietly. “You cannot trust her.”

“Oh, she will do as she is told, don’t worry about that,” Remiel says. “I will gut her charge like a fish if she so much as makes one wrong move.”

“Nice,” Liv comments boldly. Underneath the surface she is seething that her charge has just been threatened but she is in no position to do anything about it. “Talk about biting the hand that helps you.”

“How are you supposed to help?” Xane asks.

“I think it is fairly obvious,” Remiel says for her, to her annoyance. “But for the dumber of those around, her Fae part has now been activated. She can go to the Fae Kingdoms via puffport, get through Sebastian to Aefre, and bring her home.”

“Say what?” Liv asks, standing up straighter, her snicker at the ‘dumber’ comment halting abruptly. “You want me to do what?” The shock has hit her like a ton of bricks. They can’t honestly expect her to do all of that, can they?

“I think you heard me perfectly well,” Remiel says.

“For starters, what the fuck is ‘puffporting’? And secondly, I have been a Faerie for all of ten minutes,” she says.

“You will use the Faerie method of transportation to get to the Fae Kingdoms. The Rings have been sealed indefinitely so you are the only one who can do this,” Remiel says in an icy tone that sends a chill running through her.

“Didn’t you hear me?” Liv shouts at him. “I have been a Faerie for all of ten minutes. Literally. I just met my father ten minutes ago.”

“Our Aefre is a quick study,” Constantine says smugly. “If you want to keep up with her, I suggest you learn fast.”

“No,” Liv says. “This is way more than I bargained for. You told me I was here to help her, not attempt some suicidal mission into a Realm I have never been to before–even in my own damn World–to rescue her from Sebastian. Which, by the way, what the fuck is that about anyway?”

“It’s a long story,” Constantine says with a sigh.

“I’ve got time,” Liv says firmly, crossing her arms again.

“Short version,” Devon snaps at her. “Sebastian is King of the Light Fae and has kidnapped her and spelled her into choosing to be with him.”

Liv’s mouth drops open in shock. “Jesus,” she breathes.

“Indeed,” Constantine says dryly.

“And you want me to fight him to get her back?” Liv asks. “I don’t fucking think so.”