“I know you do, my lady,” he says. “Or should I call you Princess now?” he asks with a suitably confused look.

I ride him hard, enjoying the feel of him filling me up and I throb around him before I answer him. “Just call me Aefre,” I say with a pant. I am working overtime on his massive cock and it is sapping my energy. The only problem is, I cannot drink from him to regain my strength and nor can I suck on his essence because he needs it to get his own back. “Come for me, baby,” I pant at him and he looks at me with amusement.

“Baby?” he mutters to himself and grabs my hips. He takes some of the burden off me and pumps me up and down before his final thrust and he floods me once again, his orgasm going on and on.

I flop down on him completely worn out and he wraps his arms around me. I catch my breath and then sit up just as Drake storms into the room with a face to scare the gods. I squeak in fear and launch myself off Vito and under the bed, trembling. To be caught by your father screwing his brother-in-law is one thing; to be caught as a princess by your father, Drake the Dark Fae King, screwing a man that isn’t your husband is way, way worse.

“Aeval!” he thunders at me. “Get out from under there this instant.”

No way am I getting out from under this bed. For starters, I am naked and I am pretty sure I am rocking the “just-fucked” look and secondly, he will skin me alive.

“I will drag you out from under there, girl,” he shouts at me and if I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I suddenly have a view of a familiar pair of Converse and then Sebastian’s face comes in line with mine as he ducks to look under the bed.

“Aefre?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.

I shake my head, having no words, and he stands back up with a huff and then throws me my clothes. Luckily it is big enough under here to wiggle into them and then I creep out on the other side and stand up looking like a naughty, naughty girl.

Several people are glowering at me while Vito is sitting in bed like the cat that got the cream, all nicely covered up by the sheet.

“Would you mind telling me why you are fucking my wife?” Sebastian demands of Vito.

Vito frowns at him and then at me. He won’t know about my Fae union with Prince Kalen.

“Your wife?” he sneers. “However did Constantine let that happen, Vincentius?”

Sebastian frowns himself now and then peers closer and steps forward as recognition passes over his features. “Vito?” he asks and then looks at me with a snort of derision. “Didn’t take you long to get reacquainted, did it?”

“Please, Prince Kalen,” Maurelle says. “Do not find fault with my brother. He has been imprisoned for centuries. There is no excuse for his behavior, but please overlook it this once,” she begs on her brother’s behalf.

Sebastian looks at her and says, “Brother?” as Vito looks at Sebastian and mutters to himself, “Prince Kalen, of course.”

“No worries,” Sebastian says grandly, even though he is standing there in his casual, grass-stained jeans and t-shirt that is all torn and bloody. “I do not find fault with your brother, my lady.” He shifts his gaze back to me and says, “I find fault with my wife.”

“How dare you,” I say to him in outrage. “You have absolutely no claim on me!”

Okay, so perhaps not the most tactful words ever spoken considering the company I am in, but still. He has no right to make such an accusation.

“No claim on you?” he asks in disbelief. “You are my wife, Aeval.” In two giant strides, he is at my side and gripping my arm. He knows exactly what he is doing, and his triumphant look doesn’t go over well with Aefre before Aeval decides she likes her husband’s hand on her arm.

“Aeval, a word with you?” Drake barks at me and takes a menacing step forward. Vito suddenly comes to my defense and says, “Leave the lady be. I took advantage of her.”

Drake and Sebastian both turn to look at him and Maurelle gasps and puts her hand to her mouth, shaking her head at him.

Sebastian gets in before Drake does and snarls, “I should have let Constantine kill you when he wanted to instead of convincing him to give you to Corinne.” His Faerie temper is zinging into the red zone and he makes the mistake of taking his hand off me.

I gape at him as Vito’s face turns to one of absolute fury.

“It was you?” he hisses as he leaps out of bed, still naked I might add.

“Yes,” Sebastian says smugly. “I convinced him to send you to that prison. He would have had your head otherwise.”

Vito launches himself at Sebastian and in under a second has him flat on his back, throttling him with his humungous hands.

“How could you?” Vito shouts at him. “How could you of all people send me to that humiliating fate? You should have let him kill me.” He is now banging Sebastian’s head on the floor as we all just gape at the spectacle. I, personally, am admiring his very sexy bare arse, but I am certain that no one else in the room is.

“Enough!” Drake yells. He picks Vito up by the scruff of his neck and drops him to his feet. “You will learn respect of your superiors.”

“He is no superior of mine,” Vito spits out and shrugs Drake off him.