“No, you can’t,” Anders says. “She is in bad shape. Just leave her to heal and leave her where she is. Any attempt to try and rescue her from my brother will result in death, I can assure you.”

Remiel reaches out and wraps his hand around Anders’s throat before Constantine can get to him to do the same. “And I can assure you that I will not be threatened by the likes of you. Take me to Aefre at once.”

“He won’t help,” Vito says with a sigh. “Sebastian will probably kill him if he finds out he did this much.”

“And as such, I will bid you good day,” Anders says, taking a firm hand to Remiel’s and getting himself free enough to puff off.

“That was our only hope!” Devon yells at Vito and he gives him a withering look.

“Trust me when I say that none of you will get near her. Not now. And unless you plan on storming into Drake’s castle to start an all-out war, completely outmatched, then you are all stupider than you look,” Vito snaps at them all.

“I think I could take them,” Remiel says but then closes his mouth at Vito’s sharp look.

“Back to you,” Constantine says, leaning casually on the desk and crossing his arms in front of him. “I know where you just got back from. Where is he?”

“Where is who?” Devon asks.

“He is somewhere safe for now,” Remiel says with a sly smile. “He will prove useful as a last resort.”

“Who?” Vito asks before Devon can start bellowing again.

“Fraser,” Constantine says flatly. “Or at least Other Fraser. Since when can you travel between Worlds?” he adds, trying to keep the envy out of his voice, but they can all hear it anyway.

“Who is Fraser? Or Other Fraser?” Vito demands, looking around and only seeing the pale faces of shock.

“He is Aefre’s lost love,” Devon says after an eternity of waiting. “The one man that could change everything.” He sits heavily in an armchair and sinks his head into his hands.

“He is not Aefre’s lost love,” Constantine says, grinding his teeth. “He is an Other version. Nothing more.”

“If you think that she doesn’t have feelings for him regardless, then you are seriously deluded,” Devon snaps at him.

“I don’t understand,” Vito says. “Why could he change everything? What is he to her?” His heart pounds as he waits for the answer.

“He was human, and she loved him. He didn’t want her to turn him and he died before she could save him,” Devon says. “It is a heavy burden on her.”

“She feels guilty?” Vito asks, wondering why this man who causes her pain would be used to bring her back to herself.

“No,” Devon says, shaking his head. “Not anymore. Her burden isn’t guilt.”

“It’s love,” Constantine croaks out and the library goes silent for a really, really long time.

Chapter 8

The Underworld, October 2014 – Vito

“I see,” Vito mutters eventually. “You think this man that looks like him will draw her back?”

“He doesn’t just look like him. He is him,” Devon explains. “Has Aefre not told you about the Other Worlds?”

Vito shakes head. Other Worlds? “Worlds like ours, but not?” Vito asks.

“Precisely,” Constantine says. “In their World, Fraser lives.”

“It is a last resort,” Remiel interrupts. “If we tell her Fraser is here, she will come back.”

Devon nods his head slowly and with dread. “However, he is not...”

“Taken care of. He knows what is required of him,” Remiel says shortly.