“He did what he had to do,” Devon says quietly.

“No excuse,” Constantine says and retracts his claws from Devon’s arm. “We are wasting time now. We will deal with that later when we have Aefre back and she can tell us what her wish is. Right now, I want Vito to go to Lincoln and sort this the Hell out.”

“Me too,” Devon says with a nod of agreement.

“Take him to the Faerie Ring,” Constantine orders Remiel, who gives him a dirty look. “We are out of options, no?”

After a moment, the beast seems to agree and takes Vito by the arm. “How will I get back here?” Vito asks with a quick look at the windows.

“Don’t,” Constantine says. “We need someone over there who has her best interests at heart.” He is loathed to admit it, but he trusts Vito with this task. He has no choice but to put his faith in him that he won’t fail.

Vito gives him a quick nod. “Next time you see me, I will be bringing her home, either that or I will die trying.”

After that grim declaration, they watch as Remiel disappears with Vito and then they all just stare at each other and wait.

The Light Fae Kingdom, October 2014 - Aefre

“Well,” I huff after a moment of complete, baffling silence. “I am up for some fun if you two are.” Why else would they be hovering over me?

They cast astounded glances at each other and then jump back slightly, clearing their throats.

“Are you okay?” Lincoln asks.

“Fine, why?” I ask in return. What is their deal?

“You were…”

“Just in a really deep sleep,” Kalen interjects before Lincoln can finish.

“Hm,” I murmur lasciviously at Lincoln. “You did wear me out earlier.”

He blushes a cute pink and averts his eyes. He is such an animal in the sack it amuses me that he gets embarrassed about it afterwards.

“Enough, Aeval!” Kalen barks at me and I glare at him. Who the Hell is he to yell at me in my own bedroom?

“I beg your pardon?” I say haughtily. “Who the fuck do you think you are talking to?”

Actually, that is a damn good question. Who the fuck is he talking to? I blink rapidly at him and my stomach lurches as a wash of unfamiliarity flows over me. “You….”

“You love me. You chose me,” Kalen says, dropping to his knees. “Remember how much you need me and how much I need you? Remember how happy our daughter is now that we are together?”

I take a moment and I now feel a sense of calm wash over me. Whatever had me agitated before is gone under his reassurance. I smile gently at him. “Yes, I remember,” I say and bring my hand up to cup his face.

I hear Lincoln take in a sharp breath that is almost like a hiss, but I ignore him in favor of gazing longingly at my husband. “Show me how much you need me,” I murmur to him and then I stick my tongue in his mouth.

He groans with passion and shouts at Lincoln to get out, but I don’t hear them argue. I am riding a wave of pure bliss and I let it take me to a new height as Kalen buries his cock so deep inside me, I scream out in rapture. I let him turn me around and take me on my hands and knees again and again until I can’t even remember my own name.

I awake sometime later to Kalen watching me closely.

“Hi,” I say.

“Hi,” he says back. “You look so beautiful after I have fucked you senseless.”

I snort in amusement. “How charming,” I say. “Are you saying I am ugly every other time?”

“Never,” he says and attaches his mouth to my nipple. “You are the most beautiful, bewitching, beguiling creature I have ever come across.”

I smile smugly in satisfaction. A girl can never get tired of hearing those words come out of the man she loves above all others. “Thank you for bringing me Lincoln. I have a sense of peace now.”