She has started to make a keening noise deep in her throat and she is thrashing her head from side to side as if to shake out its entire contents. As the baby inside her grows just as agitated, it hits Kalen and he stands up with his fists clenched. He knows exactly what is fucking with his spell and it enrages him. His sire is trying to reach Aeval through their unborn child. He is confusing her and undoing all the work that Kalen has done on her. Just as he is about to transport himself to Constantine to kick his ass once and for all, Aeval’s eyes flash open and she blinks several times.

“Kalen? Linc? What’s wrong? What are you doing standing over my bed?”

Chapter 5

The Underworld, October 2014 – Constantine

He opens his eyes and looks each and every one of them in the eye. “It didn’t work,” he states flatly.

“Dammit,” Devon says. “If Remiel can’t reach her with their sire bond and you can’t reach her through your child, we are screwed. Fucked up the ass with a three-pronged dagger!”

“I’ll keep trying,” Constantine says, wondering how he ended up being the calm one now while Devon loses it. He is secretly happy that Remiel failed in reaching Aefre. It means that their bond is weak and pathetic. He was sure that he would be able to reach her, and he almost had her. He could feel her essence respond to him but just as quickly she was pulled away. He doesn’t think for a second that she pulled away herself. He has seen reason now that he is back in the land of other creatures. His solitude and starvation had pulled his darkness over him and he had accepted that Aefre wanted to be spelled by Sebastian. But he knows that isn’t true now. And when he gets his hands on his charge, he will make his death last as long and as painfully as possible for doing this to her and for making her give up on their child.

“Lincoln is the only one that we know for sure can contact her over there, and it’s just bloody typical that he is there now,” Devon declares.

“How did that happen?” Vito asks before anyone else can.

“Sebastian came and took him. Aefre needs him,” Devon says and Constantine’s heart thumps. She needed the Wolf but not him. It twists his stomach, but he cannot let it get to him. She isn’t in her right mind; it doesn’t mean anything.

“So, he is in the Light Fae Kingdom?” Remiel asks.

“Yeah,” Devon says.

“Then I have a way,” Vito says, stepping forward.

Constantine glares at his former right-hand man, but for the first time since Aefre rescued him, he really looks at him. Still as straight and as proud as he ever was, his shoulder-length, black hair tied back neatly, but his eyes…they are different. The purple swirl is such a change from the pitch-black they used to be when Constantine banished him all those centuries ago.

“What way?” he asks carefully. He really wants to limit Vito’s interaction with Aefre as much as possible, especially while he isn’t there to monitor what goes on.

“It is impossible to get to her in the Light Fae Kingdom, so I convinced Maurelle to suggest to Drake that they have the ‘happy couple’ over for a celebratory feast,” Vito says and Devon snickers at his use of sarcasm.

“But you wouldn’t get near her even if Sebastian did take her to the Dark Fae Kingdom,” Constantine points out.

“No, I wouldn’t. But I could get to Lincoln, who can get to her,” Vito says.

“And say what exactly?” Constantine asks. “Are we assuming that Lincoln is not trying to find a way to tell her that she has been spelled?”

“Yes,” Devon says. “I hate to stab a guy in the back, but what does he care now? He is with her. He won’t jeopardize his future with her by pissing off Sebastian, I don’t care what you say about the man.”

“I have to agree,” Xane says. “I mean, it’s what we would all do.”

Constantine grates his teeth. He had assumed that all of these men that are apparently so in love with her would do anything to get her back home and of sound mind. Clearly not. They would all throw her under the bus just to be with her. Well, fuck that. He turns to Vito, who has reached the same conclusion by the look of anger on his face. Constantine may have serious reservations about sending Vito off to see his wife, but he seems to be the only one who is thinking clearly right now. “Do it,” he says. “But be careful, you cannot tip off Sebastian.”

Vito nods and takes a step forward but then stops. “Err, the Faerie Ring is somewhere outside the perimeter of the wards.”

They all look to the ward-setter and he is not happy. “I am her sire. I make the decisions around here,” Remiel says, clasping his hands behind his back.

“You have a better one?” Constantine asks, pushing down the instinct to slam his fist through Remiel’s face and out of the back of his head. He has learned to deal with the original Vampire being his wife’s new sire–he has no choice and he cannot deny that he is happy she is a Vampire again–but that doesn’t mean that he will ever accept the fellow.

They all wait with bated breath but then Remiel says, “I think we should get Xander here to try his hand at reaching her.”

“Seconded,” Xane says hastily.

“Oh no!” Xanthe says and gives Remiel a scathing look that does nothing to wipe the smugness off his face.

Xander? Why would the Demon’s younger brother be able to help?

Constantine gives them all a glare as the tension goes up a bit higher. “What aren’t you saying?” he demands.