“Very well,” Remiel says, standing up. “I am not above asking for assistance to rescue my charge. Where is he?”

Devon shrugs but Vito pipes up. “He’ll be at Aquapontanus,” he says. “Aefre told me he still has it.”

Remiel sends a questioning gaze over at Devon.

“It’s a castle in Tuscany, Italy,” Devon says.

“Ah yes, I have visited Aefre there before. Fine, wait here,” Remiel says.

“Wait, the wards!” Devon cries out before Remiel can drop them and leave them at the mercy of the now six enormous Dragons adorning their lawn.

Remiel just smiles at him and Astrals out with a loud pop, and they all race to the window to see if the wards are still in place.

Fortunately for everyone they still are as Tiamat and the other five Dragons are all breathing fire straight at the house.

“Jesus,” Devon says weakly and turns from the window to look back at Cole. He is still passed out but at least he is safe. “We need to go out there and tell that bitch that Delinda is Faerie,” he declares. “This is just getting bloody ridiculous.”

“Agreed,” says Xane with a nod. “I know it isn’t what Xerxei wants but we are just delaying the inevitable.”

“Delinda is Faerie?” Xanthe asks quietly, placing her hand on her stomach in shock.

“Dammit,” Xane growls.

“What?” Devon asks. “She didn’t know?”

“Of course not, you fool. It was supposed to be a secret, remember?” Xane snaps at him.

“How? I don’t understand.” Xanthe says, grabbing Xane by the arm. “How is she Faerie?”

“Again, a long story,” Vito says before Xane can reply. “Aefre was against this course because the child she now carries will be in danger of being taken. Think very carefully before you do anything.” Vito sends a warning glance to Devon and for one brief moment, Devon feels proud that he is the “go-to” guy in this situation.

“He’s right,” Devon says with a sigh and rubs his face in agitation. “She will kill us if we tell.”

“If there is anything left to kill,” Xane grumbles as another blast of fire bounces off the wards.

“Who will kill you and why?” Constantine asks as he and Remiel burst through the wards.

Remiel remains unaffected but Constantine looks like he has had his scalp ripped off. At least he isn’t unconscious, Devon supposes, as he contemplates telling them of their discussion. Seeing as the child in question is Constantine’s, Devon is really reluctant to tell him they want to put it in danger to get the Dragons to go away.

“Nothing,” Vito says quickly, clearly knowing his old master well enough to know that the destruction he will cause to them all will be permanent.

Devon nods his agreement and asks, “You will help him?” He points to Remiel and Constantine scowls ferociously.

“No,” he says and crosses his arms. “In fact, you can just take me back home. I have things to prepare.”

“Don’t be a dick,” Devon snaps at him. “Aefre needs you to help him.”

“Well, she should have thought about that before firstly, she went to him to sire her and, secondly, before she let Sebastian spell her so easily,” Constantine retorts.

“Easily?” Vito roars. “This is not a game. Her life is in danger, her mind…if this carries on, she will be destroyed.”

That sobers everyone up and Devon watches for Constantine’s reaction. He can see the Vampire is seriously pissed off with his wife right now; he can’t see beyond her actions to what is really the problem.

“She is the strongest woman I know. She should have shaken him off by now. It can only mean that she doesn’t want to. That she is happy,” Constantine says quietly“No,” Devon says firmly. “I refuse to accept that. Sebastian is a King. He is powerful. If she doesn’t know what he is doing, she can’t help herself. That is why we need to help her. She is counting on us.”

There is a long pause and Devon tries not to tap his foot impatiently.

“Very well,” Constantine says eventually. He turns to Remiel. “You need to focus on her and her alone. Your bond to her will be tenuous as you aren’t close, so concentrate.”