“What?” Devon asks. “They knocked him unconscious?”

“Yes. Tiamat doesn’t do things by half,” Remiel says impatiently. “Now, can we get started please?” He throws Cole unceremoniously onto the couch and dusts off his hands.

Devon drops to his knees and rearranges his best friend, his half-brother, more comfortably, stroking his hair before he catches everyone watching him. “How long will he be out?”

“How am I supposed to know?” Remiel snaps at him.

Devon can sense the irritability coming from the ancient über-Vampire and he gets to his feet, putting his worry for Cole aside. He is breathing and his color is good. That tells him enough for now.

“Who are you?” Remiel then asks suspiciously, giving Vito the stink-eye.

“Who are you?” Vito replies with just as much distrust.

“Remiel, this is Vito, Vito this is Remiel. Aefre’s new sire,” Devon introduces them. He has decided it is just easier to call her “Aefre” for the time being. It is completely unnatural to him and it sounds strange coming from his tongue, but as soon as she has returned to his side, he can resume normal operations.

“New sire?” Vito asks, his face scrunched up and stepping forward almost menacingly. “What the devil do you mean?”

“Exactly that,” Remiel says, straightening his cuffs in such a familiar gesture that Vito stifles a rude guffaw-come-cough.

“It’s a long story,” Devon comments dryly. “Where have you been?”

“It’s a long story,” Vito returns cryptically and, well, Devon isn’t all that interested anyway, so he drops it.

“I just came from the Dark Fae Kingdoms,” Vito adds and that perks everyone’s ears up.

“Have you seen her?” they all ask in unison, only to then cry out in pain as the loudest shriek the Underworld has ever heard resonates through the house.

“What the Hell is that?” Devon shouts, covering his ears as Xanthe surges into the library like her ass is on fire.

“That would be the repercussions of your request,” Remiel says. “Fear not, the house is protected.”

“What?” Devon asks and makes his way over to the French doors where Xanthe is staring out with Xane close behind her. Devon swallows loudly when the shadow of an enormous Black Dragon in flight, is cast over the gardens, talons flashing. She breathes a stream of fire straight at them and they all flinch with various noises of alarm, but the ward around the house prevents the fire from reaching them.

“Shit,” Devon breathes and steps back, his heart pounding.

“Indeed,” Remiel says, looking around. “Where is the Wolf?” he demands.

“He’s….” Devon starts.

“How?” Xanthe says to Remiel, indicating the French doors. “How are you able to stop Her?”

“I am incredibly powerful,” Remiel says with only a hint of smugness.

“But….” Xanthe continues.

“Where is the Wolf?” Remiel asks again, talking over her.

“Sebastian came for him. Aefre needs him,” Devon interjects quickly before Xanthe can interrupt again. How Remiel can keep Tiamat at bay is not only a frightening prospect of just how powerful he is, but also it is getting in the way of their business. With one last look at the three enormous Dragons now camped out on their lawn, Devon turns his full attention to Remiel. “That means you can get to her.”

“He is unable to spell the bonds out of her,” Remiel says with a nod and settles himself on his favored armchair. He closes his eyes, and everyone watches him with an air of anticipation.

Chapter 4

The Light Fae Kingdoms, October 2014 - Aefre

“Mmm,” I say as I snuggle further into Lincoln’s massive arms. As much as I love Kalen and our life here together, I have to say it is amazing to have my Wolf back.

“I agree,” Lincoln murmurs to me but then pushes me away slightly. “Aefre, we need to talk.”