“Constantine,” Devon says by way of a greeting. “How are you here?”

“Drake let me go,” he says shortly. “What is he doing here?” His look of utter loathing at Remiel is going to ruin this plan.

“Remiel is Aefre’s sire,” Devon replies quickly. “He is going to help us rescue her.”

“Oh?” Constantine sneers. “For what price?”

“For Aefre,” Devon says, trying to give him the same meaningful look that he did to Xane. Not that he really expects it to work.

And it doesn’t.

“Over my dead body,” Constantine roars.

“That can be arranged,” Remiel says, squaring off, ready to do battle.

“WAIT!” Devon bellows, seeing his whole Cole-rescue plan going down the toilet. “Just back off, both of you. Remiel, I have given you my word. In exchange for Cole, I will do as I said. Please just go and get him and bring him here and then we can work on getting to Aefre.”

“Cole?” Constantine turns his rage on Devon. “Oh no! He stays where he is.”

“Remiel, please,” Devon says, ignoring Constantine, to his ire.

“Very well,” Remiel says. “But I will gut you like a fish if you don’t live up to your end of the bargain.”

Devon takes the threat very seriously and just hopes that Lizzie is strong enough to protect him when he inevitably doesn’t come up with the goods. He nods.

Relief floods him as Remiel Astrals off and then he turns his attention back to a seething Constantine.

“It’s all part of my plan,” Devon starts but Constantine stops him by putting his hand up.

“All I care about is getting Aefre back. She is…she is…” He can’t even finish his sentence and Devon gulps. He exchanges a glance with Lincoln.

“You’ve seen her?” Devon asks quietly.

“Yes, she came to see me to tell me that she doesn’t want our child and that she will hand it over to me once it is born,” Constantine says to the horror of everyone else in the room.

Constantine sits heavily on the sofa and drops his head into his hands for a moment before he resumes his normal ‘fuck you’ composure. “Why do you think Drake let me go?”

“Shit,” Lincoln says. “She said that?”

“She was spelled to say it,” Constantine snaps. “She is so far gone, I couldn’t…” Once again, he trails off and Devon, Lincoln, and Xane remain quiet as they all mentally picture her saying those awful things.

“I have to get out of here,” Constantine says suddenly, breaking the silence.

“No,” Devon says. “You need to stay here.”

“Why?” he asks bitterly. “You have her sire; you don’t need me.” And with that he Teleports out a second before Sebastian puffs in, right next to Lincoln.

“You are coming with me,” Sebastian says taking Lincoln by the arm.

“You fucker!” Xane roars at him and launches himself across the room. “I know what you did! I know that it was you who killed my child!”

Sebastian pales for a second but then tightens his grip on Lincoln and throws up a shield to stop Xane from reaching them before he puffs back out with Lincoln.

The Light Fae Kingdom, October 2014 - Lincoln

Before Lincoln can take in his surroundings, Sebastian has slammed him up against the wall and is snarling in his face.

“You are here as a pet to make my wife happy. If I have even a slight suspicion that you are going to tell her anything that you shouldn’t, I will see to it that you never, ever see her again. And I don’t mean by death, are we clear?”