“Get out,” I say to her sharply.

“Aeval,” Kalen says to me, but I shake my head, staying firm until she leaves.

“I do not want that whore coming anywhere near you again,” I say to him with my hands on my hips.

“I told you, it’s over. Now that you are here, you are all I need,” he says.

I am somewhat placated, but it really gets to me that he still wants to keep her around. “Get her off your service, today,” I say to him.

“As you wish, my Queen,” he says gallantly and takes my hand to kiss it softly. “I love that you are jealous,” he adds.

“I am not jealous,” I scoff.

“You are and I love it,” Kalen says with a smug smile, which doesn’t leave his face as I scowl at him and transport myself to my father’s Kingdom. I’m not jealous of that Faerie bitch that he has screwed and fed from. It doesn’t really bother me if he continues to do so. What bothers me is that she is being so overt about coming on to him in our bedroom. It enrages me to the point where I have to stop and take a breath.

“Aeval,” Drake says to me, looking slightly wary as he approaches me in the Entrance Hall.

“Daddy,” I say and give him a hug.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks me.

“I have to,” I say with a sigh. I don’t really want to go down into the dungeons and see Constantine. I haven’t seen him since I chose to be with Kalen right outside these doors and it is the last thing, I feel like doing. I am happy with Kalen and it is just going to be a hassle going down there and have him try and convince me to change my mind.

“Okay, well I am coming with you,” he says.

“Daddy, it’s a private matter,” I say.

“Kalen has already told me that you plan to give your child over to him,” Drake says, folding his arms.

I huff inwardly. He had no right to do that.

“Don’t be angry with him,” Drake says kindly. “But he has requested that I let the Vampire go once you have spoken with him.”

“What? Why?” I ask, surprised. Kalen has explained to me that Drake is keeping Constantine away from us while we settle into our life together. Why would he want to set him free now?

“Your husband is not a monster,” Drake chides me. “The Vampire is going to have things to prepare for when you give him his child. Besides, he will be on Earth – not here.”

“Oh,” I say and bite the inside of my lip. I feel a pang of sadness go through me, but I shake it off. If Kalen and I want a fresh start, then I need to give this baby up. It’s what he wants, and I want to make him happy.

“Are you worried he will try to come after you?” Drake asks as I stay silent.

“A little bit,” I admit. “I just want to move on with my life with Kalen. I don’t want any hassle.”

“I will see to it, do not worry, Princess,” Drake says, and I give him a thankful smile.

Drake transports us down into the dungeon and I grit my teeth. This is going to be hard, but necessary.

“Aefre!” Constantine calls out to me the second we land in front of his cage. The sizzle of magick is all around and I can only imagine the voltage that is being poured into it to keep him inside.

“That’s not my name,” I say to him.

“Aefre, please, stop this at once. You don’t belong with him. You know what he is doing to you! He is keeping you there by sp…”

“Enough,” roars Drake, interrupting him.

By sp…? What was he going to say?

“I love him, and I chose him,” I say shortly. “I am not here to defend my choices, I am here to tell you that once this child inside me is born, I will give it to you to raise. I want nothing to do with it.”