“My beautiful, beautiful wife,” Kalen replies and kisses me thoroughly, lighting the fire inside me once again.

I roll us over and straddle him; he is so ready for me and I grind down on him so hard he grunts.

“Fuck, yes,” he moans as I ride him.

I pinch my nipples until they are big, pink buds waiting for him to bite them and he doesn’t make me wait long. With a growl of pure lust, he drops his fangs and clamps down on my left nipple, biting me fiercely, drawing my blood out as I detonate in an orgasm so wild it carries on and on until his thirst is slaked.

Something inside me feels wrong with this act but I brush it aside as nothing feels better than to orgasm that way.

“These have been the best few weeks of my life,” Kalen says as I continue to ride him, slower this time so that I can increase his pleasure.

“Mine too,” I murmur. “I love you.”

I love our sex life. It is wild and adventurous, and I feel the love between us, but there is something missing. I don’t know what it is. I love him, I love him so much I chose him, so why aren’t I altogether happy with my decision? I feel my face go over in a frown, which he is quick to catch.

“I love you,” he replies. “I love that you are here with me and our daughter.” He takes my face in his hands and stares deeply into my eyes. “I love that you chose me. I need you; you can never leave me.”

I smile at him through the slight fog his words have brought down on me. He can be so intense sometimes. “Stop talking,” I say to him, “and fuck me.”

“Oh, you don’t need to ask me twice,” he says with a laugh and flips us over so that he can ram his cock into me viciously.

That’s better. I feel reassured by his words and bliss overtakes me as he fucks me until I feel like I can’t come again, and then he explodes inside me, drenching me with his seed.

“I want to make a baby,” he pants in my ear.

“I want that too,” I say but push him away. “But what about this one?” It is a bone of contention between us. I know this child belongs to another, but I had hoped that Kalen would come around and accept her as his own.

“That one has no place here,” he growls at me and sits up, turning his back to me.

“Kalen,” I say gently but he shushes me.

He drags me onto his lap again and focuses on my eyes. He does that a lot and I love that he wants to see into my essence. “You will have that child and then you will give it to its father, are we clear?” he says to me in a tone that I have never heard him use before. It sends a shiver down my spine, but I nod dutifully.

“Yes, I will go and see Constantine today and tell him,” I say.

Kalen hesitates but then he nods decisively. “I will tell Drake that you are coming over. The sooner this is dealt with, the better.”

“Of course,” I murmur, lowering my eyes. He is angry now and I want to please him. “Let me make you happy.”

He sighs and says, “Oh, Aeval, you being here makes me so happy. I just want to get on with our own life together.” He kisses me and I am happy again now that he isn’t angry with me anymore.

“I’ll get dressed,” I say to him and climb off him.

“Be quick because I want you back in my bed soon,” he orders me.

“Can’t get enough?” I tease him lightly.

“Never,” he answers with a salacious grin that thrills me.

I grin back at him and head for the shower.

When I go back into the bedroom, I see that whore, Delilah, staring at my husband as he lays on the bed, oblivious to her little glances.

“What are you doing in here?” I bark at her, startling her and making Kalen look over at me with a frown.

“Just here to serve the Ki

ng,” Delilah mutters.