“I know you are frustrated,” Rosalina says, turning back around to Jess’s astonishment. “But this magick is not to be trifled with. It is the most ancient of magicks, far surpassing even that of the old ones.”

“The old ones?” Jess asks and crinkles her nose up. She hasn’t heard of them in her studies.

“The Dragons and Faeries,” Rosalina says. “Our magick has been a

round for much longer, from the very beginning.”

Jess takes that in. How come that was never mentioned in the study books? Older magick than the Dragons and Faeries?

“I thought they were the beginning?” she asks, confused. “Does that mean we are more powerful than them?” she adds, innocently fiddling with the hem of the cuff on her long, silver gown.

“We?” Rosalina asks with an arched eyebrow.

“You, of course,” Jess amends quickly.

“Why does that concern you?” Rosalina asks.

“No reason,” Jess says with a shrug. Every reason, she adds to herself. If she is more powerful than that tiny, bitch-whore Liv, then that means she can kill her. And that is the only thing that keeps her going for now. That and her fantasy of reuniting with her sire. Ex-sire, but that means nothing to her.

Rosalina takes her arm and loops it through Jess’s. “Come,” she says. “Let me show you something.”

Rosalina leads Jess out of her bedroom and into a huge room that is filled with books from the floor to the ceiling. Jess has never been in here before; she never even knew it existed. This place only lets you go where it wants you to go, everywhere else is never even revealed until you are ready.

“What is this place?” Jess asks, looking around in wonder.

“This is the advanced library,” Rosalina says. “You are in no way capable of wielding any of the magick that you will find in here, but I want to show you this.” She holds out her hand and a book flies into it off the top shelf to her right.

“What is it?” Jess asks eagerly, peering at the tome; it is so old that it is surprising it is still intact.

“When the Dragons came about and Tiamat gained Her power, it was the mistake of a very old Druid. I won’t bore you with the details, but that mistake needed to have a fix,” Rosalina says.

Jess swallows her disappointment. She really wanted the details. She thrives on details. Anything she can learn about her foe, the better, in her opinion, but she knows better than to push her luck. “What kind of fix?” she asks instead.

“This,” Rosalina says, opening the book and showing her a picture.

Jess scrutinizes the picture. “It’s a sword,” she states. “I thought She was a true immortal.” She remembers this from when she was working for Liv.

“She likes to think so,” Rosalina says, slamming the book closed. It flies back into its spot high up on the wall. “Only one with great power can wield the sword and there can be consequences.”

“How come no one has ever used it?” Jess asks, beyond curious now. If there is a sword that can kill Liv, then she wants it and she wants it now.

“No one has ever had the power to,” Rosalina says. “With a couple of exceptions, but I know which battles to pick. You should learn this too.” The reprimand is fierce and Jess gulps and lowers her eyes. Rosalina must know her thoughts, why else would she have said that?

“Do not think for one second that you can kill my brother’s wife and walk away from it,” Rosalina says close to her ear in a low, dark tone that makes Jess practically wet herself.

“Why show me how then?” Jess asks boldly, needing to show that she isn’t intimidated – much.

“I enjoy your curiosity. It makes a nice change of pace around here to teach someone so eager to learn,” Rosalina says in a normal tone. “You are still so young, Jess. Your energy should be focused not on revenge of your enemies, but on developing your skills.”

Jess just nods, seemingly in compliance. But her brain is working overtime. Rosalina has given her everything she needs to exact her revenge on that slut, but with one exception: the fucking ability to take that knowledge and put it into practice. She needs to find that sword and she needs the skill to use it.

“Teach me,” Jess says. “I know I am ready to start my training.”

“All in good time,” Rosalina says, and, in an instant, they are back in Jess’s bedroom. Jess knows it will be forever until she can see that library again. She just has to make sure that forever comes sooner rather than later.

The Light Fae Kingdom, October 2014 - Aefre

“Morning, baby,” I say as I open my eyes to find my husband staring at me with a big smile on his face.