“No,” he says after a pause so great I wondered if he had even heard me.

“I am,” I say. “Still.”

He turns to look at me and my bold statement. My face has a hint of amusement and he relaxes his tense set. “You are a devil, woman. Did I not scare you off by now?”

“No, I think you are all bluster,” I say smartly, and he bursts out laughing at the unexpectedness of my comment. I smile at him, glad that the tension has dropped again. He is quite handsome when he loses the sneer, and I enjoy the challenge that he gives me. Every other man would be begging to do my bidding, but not Frederick.

“Bluster, eh?” he says and strokes his chin. “Can’t say that anyone has ever dared to say that to me before.”

“Show me then,” I say. “Show me who you really are: a man who leaves a woman to go hungry, or a gallant knight who swoops in and allows the lady a bite.”

“I have been called a lot of things, mi’ lady, but a gallant knight is not one of them,” he remarks. “I am more of the first one.”

“What a pity,” I say.

After more silence, I add, “Why will you not allow anyone to feed from you?”

He pauses at my question. “I did a long time ago. Now, it is not something that I am interested in.”

“Because you think it is intimate?” I ask.

“Damn, woman. Will you stop talking!” he snaps at me. “Here, if it will get you to close your mouth for a few moments, feed.” He shoves his wrist into my face and with a gracious nod, I take it. However, I am not being forced to feed that way. His reluctance has stirred up my wicked side and I want him to squirm. I climb onto his lap. He rears back from me with a look of warning.

“You offered me your neck before,” I point out. “Why should I be satisfied with just your wrist now?”

He growls at her, but he only has himself to blame. He started this game and now he must end it. Once and for all. Not only is she the most forbidden woman on this Earth, she is also not the kind of woman that he goes for. He likes it rough, really rough, and he doesn’t think that her slight body will be accepting of his violent attentions. She drops her fangs in question and he tilts his head to the side. He will let her think she has won this round, but he draws the line right here. He is not interested in crossing it with her; he likes his head attached to his body. Whoever this man is that Constantine is obviously trying to get her away from by sending her to Florence, must be the biggest fool on the planet.

Speaking of fools, he groans out loud like one when she pierces his flesh and starts to suckle gently on him. He can feel himself get aroused and that is the last thing he wants. The last woman to feed from him was the last for a reason. She makes a little mewling sound in her throat and he nearly bursts with lust. She grinds herself down on his shaft. He doesn’t think she knows what she is doing to him.

“Stop,” he gasps, humiliated beyond belief, pushing her off his lap as soon as she releases her bite.

“You didn’t enjoy that?” she asks. “I know I was.”

“Do not be a fool,” he snarls at her. “You are playing with fire, girl.”

I watch him stand up and walk away from me. I smile to myself in secret and wipe my lips delicately. He tasted delicious and I was eager for more. Much more. And I know he wanted it too, but whatever issue he has with intimacy runs deep. I decide on the spot to try and break him. It will be entertaining, and I feel I am going to be in need of some amusement, and something to take my mind off my sire and Vito. What better way than to take on a challenge? I always did like a challenge, even when it gets me into dangerous places, I just can’t resist the pull.

Chapter 1

Minerva, October 2014 - Jess

Jess preens herself in the mirror. She is whole again, completely real.

“You are beautiful, my girl,” Rosalina says from behind her.

“Thank you,” Jess replies, knowing when to be modest. She flicks her long, curly, dark hair over her shoulder and turns around. “My powers are even stronger now.”

“They will grow more each day now that you are whole,” Rosalina says. “Soon you will be able to start your practical magick lessons.”

“I want to start them now,” Jess says, cautious of the request. “I am one hundred percent confident on theory, I am ready.”

Rosalina gives her that imperious look that reminds Jess so much of her brother. It sends a shiver down her spine when she remembers being threatened by him, but she straightens her shoulders and doesn’t look away.

“I will say when you are ready,” Rosalina says and turns from her, ending the conversation.

For now.

Jess will pursue this because she needs to know how to handle this power that has suddenly been bestowed on her. She has tried to wield it, but it only got her into trouble and nearly took her hair off when it combusted in front of her.