“Leave it to the wrath of the Overlord,” she murmurs under her breath as she ushers her family inside Xerxei’s house and away from her son.

The End

Read on with Revenge: The Forever Series, Book 14


The Forever Series, Book 14

By Eve Newton

Copyright © Eve Newton, 2015

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner


Excerpt from The Early Years: Aefre & Constantine, vol. 2

Renaissance Italy, 1452 - Aefre

“Well, that didn’t go according to plan,” Frederick mutters after a few moments. “I am still here playing nursemaid.”

“Nursemaid?” she repeats in disbelief. “How dare you?” She stamps her foot and pulling her cloak up over her head, she spins and stalks off to sit on the grass some way from the broken wagon. He glowers at her and then as she casts her eyes to him, he lets out a huff and stalks off the other way to sit down. He lies back with his face to the sun and plucks up a piece of grass to chew on. He is starting to get hungry now as well. The thought of Aefre biting him has stirred up his blood lust. He was going to stop for a bite to eat in the town, instead he is stuck here with her. He ruminates on what happened in the wagon. He hadn’t expected her to drop her fangs, but when he saw them, he wanted it. He doesn’t let women bite him anymore. It goes to a place that he is no longer interested in, and before then he would have said he wasn’t interested in going there with her of all people. He doesn’t dislike her; he just doesn’t like everything she gets handed out to her because she is Constantine’s charge. She hasn’t worked a day in her life, and it infuriates him that she can be so idle and unconcerned as to the plight of others. He casts a little look at her, sitting gazing out into the distance, probably worried about getting her gown dirty. She catches his eye when she turns her head and he sees something flare up in her. He must concede that she does have fire, she just never uses it. He was more than shocked to see her fight with Lucio, and to win no less. He knew it wasn’t a rigged fight. Lucio went at her with everything that he had, but he won’t admit to himself that he was wrong about her. He is never wrong.

“Can I help you with something?” I ask archly as Frederick continues to stare at me.

“Actually, yes,” he replies. “You owe me two weeks’ worth of gold.”

“I beg your pardon?” I ask, sitting up straighter. “I owe you no such thing.”

“But you do,” he says casually. “I placed a wager on you to lose your fight against Lucio.”

My mouth drops open briefly before I clamp it shut. “Humph,” I say rudely. “Perhaps if you were a betting man, you would have known better.”

“Can you blame me?” he asks, clearly enjoying watching me get riled up. “Look at you, you don’t look like you could fight your way out of your gown.”

“I’ll give you fight,” I growl at him, standing up and advancing on him.

“You want to take me on?” he ridicules me, also standing up. “I am over a thousand years older than Lucio, and your sire isn’t here to make sure you win.”

“I won that fight on my own!” I shriek at him. How dare he insinuate otherwise.

“Did you?” he presses and braces himself for my attack.

I fly at him with my claws drawn but he easily catches my wrists before my momentum has both of us tumbling to the ground. I am struggling uselessly against him. He is laughing at me and it makes me even angrier with him, but I cannot best him. He is too strong for me, so I give up, panting on his chest from my exertions.

Frederick is disappointed that she gave up so quickly. He finds her writhing body on top of his quite pleasing. She knows there is no chance she could get the better of him, but it was an entertaining few minutes, nonetheless.

“You are a beast,” Aefre puffs at him.

“You do not know the half of it,” he mutters darkly to her and rolls them over so that he is pressing her into the ground with his body.

“Get off me,” she wheezes as he takes all the air out of her lungs with his heavy weight. She starts to thrash underneath him. He can’t help the erection that starts to grow and

press into her. He laughs at her as she notices his cock digging into her and she stills. A look of utter fear passes over her face, which would normally have him even more excited, but as she quickly replaces it with a very impressive blank look, this tangle suddenly loses all of its appeal. She is expecting him to rape her and she has shut herself off from the situation with a remarkable strength that he didn’t think she possessed.