“Can’t it wait?” he snaps.


Devon’s ears perk up and as Drake berates everyone into leaving Aefre alone for a few minutes for her to gather her thoughts, Lincoln leads him further away from the group.

“She will fucking Astral off!” Constantine bellows.

“No, she won’t,” Drake says. “She is a reasonable woman when she wants to be. She knows she will be putting her child at risk.”

“Our child,” Constantine snarls and then Lincoln tunes them out.

“What’s this about?” Devon asks him as soon as they are out of earshot.

“Let me make this very clear to you, you need to listen to me.”

“I’m listening,” Devon says with his arms crossed.

“Aefre is going to make a declaration. Soon. She has already decided what she wants.” Lincoln says.

“Who?” Devon asks quietly.

“Three guesses,” Lincoln says dryly. “But I am sure you only need one.”

He sees Devon’s face fall. “Constantine,” he says flatly.

“Yep,” Lincoln says.

“Why?” Devon asks. “Did she say? She said she would marry me. Has she changed her mind?”

“No, she intends to marry you, but she said it isn’t just about the child, but because she has loved him for over a thousand years.”

“And?” Devon snaps.

“Jesus, Dev!” he snaps back. “Are you getting dumber as a Demon?”

Devon growls at him and he growls back, not letting this little punk intimidate him, friend or not.

“She wants to turn you, you asshole, and you turned her down. If you let her become your sire again, her feelings for you will surpass those for Constantine. You can win this fight if you just thought about it for a second,” Lincoln says.

Devon chews his lip as he takes in Lincoln’s words. He can see that he is finally getting through to him.

“You have to decide if your newfound anti-Vampireness is worth losing the woman you love to that prick,” Lincoln says, driving it home with a clenched fist.

“I’m not going to lose her,” Devon spits out. “She has agreed to be my wife.”

“And you really think that Constantine is going to sit around and watch that happen. Especially as you are no longer bound to her?”

“Why are you helping me?” Devon asks suspiciously.

“Look, I have come to accept that she will never choose me. I am not a part of this. But I know she loves me, and she will not let me down again. We will be together no matter who she is with in the end. I would rather it be you than him.” Lincoln indicates to Constantine, who is still arguing with Drake, with his head.

Devon’s eyes go to Constantine and then back to Lincoln’s. “She doesn

’t want to choose. She never has.”

“I know, but he will make her. Unless you do something about it.”

“You think it would work?” he asks.