“But doesn’t She know I am a Faerie girl?” Delinda asks, scrunching her nose up.

“I don’t think so,” I say slowly. Unless Remiel has spilled the beans, but he said they weren’t working together. But since when did I trust anything that he says?

“I want to be a Vampire like you and Daddy,” Delinda suddenly blurts out and pokes my top teeth.

I chuckle at her enthusiasm. “I am not so sure that Grandpa will like that very much,” I say, picturing his face of thunder if we ever turned her.

“Grandpa doesn’t like Vampires?” she asks.

“Not really,” I reply.

“He likes you, and he and Daddy always seem to be whispering in corners,” she says.

Oh really? Do they now? I narrow my eyes at this piece of news. “What do they whisper about?” I ask.

She shrugs. “I don’t know. Stuff,” she says, having lost interest in this conversation already.

“Hmm.” I ponder this and stand up. I Astral some clothes onto her, a pretty dress in green, and then open the door, where I am sure Drake and Kalen are lurking.

Sure enough they are both lurking and whispering.

“All sorted. We are off now to Earth. I’ll be back soon,” I say.

“Wait, Aeval,” Kalen says to me. “It’s not safe for you.”

“I will be safe,” I promise. “Remiel won’t let any harm come to either of us.”

“Remiel?” he snarls. “Why are you going to see him?”

“Jealousy?” I goad him lightly and he grimaces at me. “We have stuff to discuss. I’ll see you later.” I slam the door shut and pick Delinda up. I Astral us straight into the garden of my house in England.

We both stare at the house for a long time before I say, “Fuuuucking Hell!” and Delinda squeals with amusement at my expletive.

Chapter 21

I turn in a circle and the blackened grass underneath my feet crunches. My mouth is agape and as Delinda takes in the scene, she wiggles to get down, but I keep my hold on her. We need to get out of here…now!

“Don’t worry, you are safe,” Remiel says right before I am about to bail.

I glance at him, still doing my goldfish impression. Delinda shrieks in delight and falls out of my arms and into his.

“Papa!” she says and cuddles him.

He holds her close, closing his eyes and I feel a pang of sadness for him. He really does love her so much.

“I hate to break up this moment, but what in the Hell happened to my house?” I ask, pointing at the burnt-out crisp that remains, just barely, standing in front of us.

“Your mother’s wrath,” he replies with a twist to his mouth. “She isn’t happy, Aefre. She wants Delinda back.”

“Delinda isn’t Hers to have,” I say. “Have you not mentioned that to Her?”

“I told you before, we are not working together,” Remiel says tightly and then glances down at my stomach. “And do you really want me to put that child at risk?”

I put my hand protectively on my belly. I don’t like him mentioning my baby in any way whatsoever.

“So why do you think we are safe here?” I ask.

“She won’t come back here; this was merely a fit of temper. Besides, I have warded the grounds,” he says and leads us over to a stone bench that survived my mother’s fiery wrath.