“Shit, Aefre,” he says suddenly, jumping up with me still in his lap and dumping me gently on the bed. “I should have been gentler with you.”

I roll my eyes at his grave concern. “If I recall, I jumped you, so don’t worry about it.”

“Yes, you did,” he says with a laugh. “And, oh fuck, I am glad you did. I have wanted to be a beast with you for a while now.”

“Worth the wait?” I ask archly.

“Do you even have to ask,” he says, delving his hand in between my legs and swirling his fingers around in my wet heat.

“Nuh-uh,” I say lazily and flop back to the bed.

“Oh, is that how this is going to be?” he asks. “Just once?”

“I would hardly call that ‘just once,’ my love, but yes, I am exhausted.” I stifle a yawn.

He gives me a long-suffering sigh. “You rile a man up like that and then bail. Such a tease.”

I giggle at him. His mood seems as light as mine right now and I wonder where it has come from. “Bail?” I choke out. “You think that was me bailing?”

“Well, okay, you satisfied me a little bit,” he says with a wicked grin and plops down on the bed next to me. He gathers me to his chest and cups my bump as he kisses my shoulder.

“A little bit?” I protest with a turn of my head.

He captures my mouth with his and says, “A lot bit, my sweet.”

“Better,” I say and snuggle my backside against his crotch.

“I love the feel of your cum cooling on my cock,” he whispers to me and I actually have to look at him again to make sure I haven’t transported myself into Lincoln’s arms. This is just too weird. CK doesn’t say things like this. He expects these things said to him, but I have never heard him speak like this, ever.

“What has gotten into you?” I ask, turning in his arms and tracing his perfect lips with my finger.

“I am trying out being more forthcoming,” he says with a shrug. “If we are to be parents, then I need to work on my manner.”

“Oh, CK,” I say with a laugh. “You are the most perfect man in this World. I love you so much.”

“Only this World?” he asks lightly, but I hear the undercurrent of jealousy and it makes me wonder if he is thinking of Other Fraser.

To my shame, I know I am.

“Every World,” I reassure him.

“Better,” he says to me. “I love you deeply, Aefre. Please take care tomorrow, I won’t be far away if you need me.”

“I will be fine,” I say and kiss him.

“Sleep now, wife,” he says, and I am way ahead of him. I feel him drag the covers up over us and I fall asleep, happy and content in his arms.

I awake the next morning, alone of course, startled out of my dream by the reality of it. It felt so real I actually dart my eyes around the bedroom to see if I am alone. I pull the covers up to my chin, feeling very vulnerable.

I was dreaming about Laurentis. Or he was here. Or it was memories. It is hard to tell, to be honest. All I know is that he was touching me, feeling me, getting me to beg him for his touch.

I shudder in revulsion.

It has to be memories that are coming to the surface. Frederick said that he had come to me a few months ago, but I couldn’t remember it. I got a vague feeling about it once but that was it. Now I am completely sure of what he did to me. He was trying to make me want him, to crave him, to beg for him, to be jealous of his other lovers.


In his dreams!