“Jess, please forgive me,” Sebastian whispers. He sits up, keeping his hands on her fake wounds, and there are tears in his eyes. “I never meant for this to happen. You must know that. I never meant to hurt you.”

Jess bites the inside of her lip. She doesn’t forgive him. She will never forgive him for preventing her from having a bond with Devon. But…she falters in her vengeance.

She takes another look at Sebastian and she feels her job is done. She has punished him enough. She won’t give him what he wants–her forgiveness–but she will stop tormenting him. She leans down to kiss him lightly on the lips and then she pulls herself back into her body in Minerva.

Jess gasps as she opens her eyes. It is a weird rush when she re-joins herself, it makes her feel a bit lightheaded. She breathes in deeply to steady herself and then stands up quickly as Rosalina’s elf servant has come looking for her. He is a handsome specimen, standing a little bit taller than her own five-feet-ten, and dressed in a shimmering, silver suit. His crop of blonde hair is messy, but in a cute way, and it just covers his pointy ears. He grins at her and beckons her over.

Jess feels her libido fire up. The more corporeal she gets, the hornier she becomes. She knows he finds her beautiful, her looks here enchant everybody she comes across, especially as she is graceful and ethereal in her semi-transparent state. She floats along to join him, her long, ghostly dress trailing behind her, and she gives him a seductive smile, which lights up his dancing eyes. She enjoys the slight flirtation, but she will never act on it. She will save herself for her husband for when she returns, but more than that. While she can touch things, pick things up, sit on things, the thought of something as invasive as sex in her current state makes her shiver and not in a good way.

“My lady,” he murmurs and takes her hand to brush his lips lightly over her knuckles.

Jess inclines her head graciously and lets him lead her back to the classroom for yet more study about things she already knows about, her thoughts now invaded by Devon and how amazing it will be to finally make love to him again.

The Light Fae Kingdom, September 2014 - Pyleah

Damn that little girl! And damn her again for making her curse like this. Pyleah has never been one for coarse language, but this…this creature has brought out the worst side of her. She cannot wait until it is all over and Aeval is where she is supposed to be. Unfortunately, that means Pyleah must see her every day, but she can tolerate her presence if Aeval is by her son’s side where she belongs.

Pyleah fluffs out her gown and turns to the door with a smile. There is a gentle knocking and she knows who it is: the one bright spot in her life at the moment.


,” she says as she opens the door.

“My goddess,” he replies with an adoring smile.

She ushers him inside and quickly closes the door. She is sure that everyone knows about this affair, but she still has appearances to maintain.

“I have missed you these past hours,” Cade says to her, completely besotted with her and it makes her a little bit sad. She had to spell him when he caught her rifling through Aeval’s belongings looking for something that would carry the curse and that she wouldn’t see as suspect. Cade had come into the room and demanded to know who she was and what she doing. She couldn’t reveal her secret, so she turned his head with a suggestion. He was completely susceptible to her charms and within minutes he was madly in love with her. It makes her feel good to have a man worship her. Life with Aelfric had been torment and pain and humiliation. Pyleah feels she deserves to be happy and to be loved and respected.

So, she keeps spelling her lover. It doesn’t take much, just a little bit of persuasion every now and again, but in his mind, he is so in love with her, he will never leave her. He has a room next to her and as far as she knows he hasn’t connected with anyone since he got here. He is all hers.

“I have missed you as well,” Pyleah says truthfully. This may have started out as a way to make him forget about what she was doing, but she has grown so fond of him. He is sweet and good-looking and even though it is not real, he adores her.

“Let me be with you?” he whispers. He is too much of a gentleman to just jump on her, so he seeks her consent first.

“Yes,” she whispers back and reaches up to undo the knot on top of her head. Her golden hair cascades down and it enchants Cade further. His look devours her, and it sends a thrill through her. He reaches out to pull on the laces of her gown and they come loose, exposing her breasts to him.

“Oh, God,” he mutters as he takes her in his hands. “You are magnificent.”

Pyleah throws her head back and revels in the compliment. She pushes her breasts further into his hands and they mold themselves around her globes. He tweaks her nipples and she shivers. Cade lowers his mouth to hers and captures her in a sweet kiss.

“Take me, Cade,” she murmurs. “I want your body joined with mine.”

“Oh, yes,” he murmurs back. He slowly undresses her, letting her gown drop to the floor at her feet. He lifts her up in his arms and carries her to the bed. After he has lowered her gently down, she watches him undress himself. He has a hard body and it pleases her. She licks her lips and it hoods his eyes. His impressive manhood is ready for her and she wants him now, but he wants to worship her first. He needs to appease his obsession with her.

With a contented sigh, Pyleah lies back and lets her lover tease, stroke, kiss, and lick every part of her body until he enters her, and she finds bliss.

This may not be real, but it feels like it in these moments. Pyleah wonders momentarily if she should lift the spell, see if his feelings might be true, but she brushes it aside quickly. She can’t risk it. Not yet. She wants him like this for just a little bit longer.

An hour later, Pyleah lays with her head on Cade’s chest as she traces little circles with her fingers. She sighs a contented sigh, but now she has things to do. She pulls away from her lover, but he pulls her back.

“Don’t go, not yet,” he says.

“I must, I have something to attend to,” she replies.

“Attend to me,” Cade says. “I am still in need.”

She chuckles at his sad face and kisses him. “Later, there is somewhere I need to be.” He reluctantly lets her go and she gets dressed with a quick twirl. She pats her hair into place and smoothes down her gown. “I will see you later,” she says.