e can resist the sway of the Light Fae,” she says imperiously. “Especially that of the King. If it takes a bit of upkeep, then I don’t see the problem. Just do it.”

“No,” Sebastian says. “I won’t violate her like that. Not again.”

“Let me make this very clear to you, Kalen. If you have not spelled her to choose you and only you by the end of the week, then I will do it for you. I am sure I do not need to tell you it will be less traumatic for her if you, her loving husband, coerces her into her decision,” Pyleah says maliciously.

Well, she has him there. It will be far more difficult for Pyleah to sway Aeval’s mind to the extent that she is suggesting. She will have to dig deeper than he would. He already knows his wife’s mind–for the most part–he wouldn’t have to try hard to convince her to choose him.

But it still boils down to the fact that he can’t do it. Certainly not while she is still so angry with him for what Constantine made him say to her. And, more importantly, she would kill him a thousand times if she ever found out what he did.

“The end of the week,” Pyleah says and puffs out, leaving him alone to contemplate her demand.

He can’t think about it. He needs to escape and there is only one way in which he can do that. He goes off rapidly to find Delilah. His mouth waters as he thinks of drinking her blood and it gets other parts of him working as well. He wants his cock inside her while he feeds from her.

Sebastian finds her quickly and transports them directly to his bedroom. He doesn’t need words to tell her what is expected of her. She knows by now. She has a fearful look as he strips her roughly and he knows that he is starting to hurt her. Her skin is so delicate, more so than a human’s, even, and she has no real powers to speak of to help her through his attacks on her.

But he doesn’t care. He needs it, so she will comply.

After he has removed his own clothes, he turns her around and he sits on the bed. He positions her on his lap–facing outwards so he doesn’t have to look at her–over his cock and he shoves her down hard. She squeals, but he doesn’t hear it. He brushes her hair aside and bites down on her neck without ceremony. She writhes in pain, but soon the pleasure takes over and he feels her dampen his cock. He jerks her up and down, his fangs tearing into her soft, pale skin, and he comes in a flood of sheer desperation as he slurps on Delilah’s neck, not caring anymore about her pleasure. He doesn’t care about her. She is a whore, here to please him, nothing more.

He releases his fangs and shoves her off his lap. He is finished with her, and now he wants to curl up in bed, close his eyes, dream of his wife, and try to stave off the nightmare of Jess with her slashed wrists coming to torment him.

Minerva, September 2014 - Jess

Jess leans on her hand as she sits in the makeshift classroom in this bright white palace. Her mind wandered a long time ago. Rosalina is droning on and on about the history of Minerva, but Jess knows this already. She read it several nights ago in the library. Her body is coming back; she is almost corporeal now, but while she is still in this transition, she doesn’t eat, and she doesn’t sleep. It leaves a lot of spare time in which to do things, like torment Sebastian and plot her revenge on Liv, but also to get ahead in her studies. She needs this power and she needs it quickly.

“Jess!” Rosalina snaps at her and she blinks and straightens up.

“Yes,” Jess says. “I’m listening.”

“Hmm,” Rosalina says with narrowed eyes. “Recite to me what I just said.”

Jess goes about her recital, always having had the capacity to do two things at once.

“Very well,” Rosalina says when she finishes up. “We will take a break, but when we resume, I want you fully focused.”

If Rosalina thinks that Jess isn’t fully focused after proving to her that she was in fact listening, or at the very least, already knew what she was saying, she is going to have to try harder to look interested. Perhaps she should start at the back end of the library and work her way backwards. Maybe then Rosalina’s lessons will actually teach her something she doesn’t already know. Until it crosses over and she is back to daydreaming again, that is.

Jess floats off, her thoughts as always going to Devon. She can’t wait to see him again. Once she is whole again, she will go to him and beg his forgiveness, and if he refuses, she will use her new powers to force him into submission. She doesn’t want him to see her as she is now: not completely whole. She wants him to see her as she will be once she comes through this transition: strong and powerful.

In the meantime, Jess can amuse herself in other ways. She finds a chair in a quiet corner of the library and she sits down. She closes her eyes and tries to focus on getting into Sebastian’s head. It doesn’t always work the first time. Sometimes she has to try three or four times during the day as she can only enter his subconscious when he is asleep. Time seems to have little meaning here so she is never sure if it is meant to be night or day. It is always sunny and bright in Minerva.

Luckily, Jess locks on to him instantly and she smiles to herself. She enjoys messing with his head. He deserves it after what he did to her. Her own actions tormented her for months. Jess was never the weak and pathetic type, and certainly never one to contemplate suicide. Yes, she had wanted Devon to turn her, but she wanted him to want it. She would never have forced him into it, especially knowing what she knows now. Because of Sebastian, she missed out on her chance for a bond with her sire and if they’d had that bond, things would have gone so much differently. What Sebastian did to her, suggesting to her that she take her life in an attempt to get Devon to save her, was cruel and risky.

What if Devon had left her to die? Or worse…what if Liv had stepped up and done the deed herself to protect her “darling boy”? Jess does not think she could have survived being sired to that bitch for the rest of eternity. No, Sebastian deserves to be punished for his crimes and plaguing him in this way, keeping his guilt alive, makes Jess feel vindicated somehow. She knows that Sebastian wasn’t the one to come up with the plan. She knows it was Constantine trying to get Devon to sire her so he would back off from Liv.

He will be punished as well. Right now she doesn’t have the capability to hurt him in any way, but when Jess gets her full powers and she drives a sword through Liv’s heart and watches the life drain out of her as she sucks her essence out of her body, then he will be punished. He will have to live eternity without his precious wife and that will be torture for him.

Jess can’t wait.

She brings her attention back to Sebastian. She is wasting precious time. She forces what little spirit she has out of her body and sends it off to sit next to Sebastian while he sleeps. She has no idea how she does this. She doesn’t physically go to him, she is still in Minerva, but some part of her has floated off to go where she wants it to go.

Astral Jess peers down at Sebastian and he looks tortured in his sleep. She smiles and climbs on top of him. She holds her arms up and focuses on creating the image of her slashed wrists, bleeding profusely all over his silk sheets. The blood dropping onto his chest wakes him up and the fear in his eyes sends a thrill through her. He is truly terrified of her.

“Jess,” he croaks out and grabs her wrists, placing his large hands over the wounds, trying to stanch the blood flow. “Jess, I’m so sorry.”

She grimaces at him. He looks like utter shit. His face is pale, his cheeks are hollow, and his eyes are sunken and blurry. She saw that look a thousand times on her mother when she was crashing and jonesing for another fix.

It hits Jess hard. Clearly Sebastian is using some supernatural drug to try and rid himself of his guilt. He thinks he is losing his mind and while Jess wants to keep reminding him of what he did to her, she doesn’t really want this.