“I believe him,” she says defiantly. “Besides, if all goes according to Dracul’s plan, we won’t have Her to deal with much longer.”

“And what is his plan exactly?” Constantine jumps on the subject he has been intrigued with since Dracul took his sword away.

“All I know is that there is going to be a mutiny. I say we just leave them to fight it out,” she says with a shrug.

“So why did you go to such great lengths to get your Vampire back if you have no intention of fighting?” he asks.

“So that I could bite you and drink from you as I know you want me to,” she says with such a wicked smile, he feels himself go hard. He does want her to bite him, so badly. He has missed that intimacy with her.

“Don’t let me hold you back,” he whispers, and she crawls into his lap and extends her fangs. “Oh, you are so beautiful,” he says, cupping her face and pricking his thumbs on the sharp points. “I will accept your actions, Aefre, because more than anything I wanted this for you, but if you ever, ever, go to him as his charge seeking his attention, I will rip those pretty fangs out of your mouth and wear them around my neck to remind you who you really belong to. Do you understand me?” he says softly.

“Yes,” she says. “You do not have to worry about that, my love. In my heart you will always be my true sire.”

Her words go some way to pleasing him. He is still resentful and hurt and angry that someone else has come and taken her away from him. But he knows how much she loves him.

“By the way,” she says, her lips brushing gently against his neck. “Our child is a Vampire, at least in part.”

Constantine snaps his head back in his surprise and stares at her in disbelief. “No,” he says. “It is impossible.”

“This whole situation is impossible, my love. But trust me, she craves blood as much as I do,” Aefre says and bites down sharply on him, taking his blood to feed both herself and their child.

He groans and tightens his hold on her, his heart bursting with love for something he hasn’t even seen yet. “Oh, Aefre,” he says. “She is truly mine.”

She pulls back, her lips stained with his blood. “We both are,” she says before she kisses him, delving her tongue into his mouth as he paws at her clothes. He doesn’t care who sees them out here in the garden. He needs to take his wife this second.

“I love you,” she says.

“I love you, more than you will ever know,” he replies and lowers her to the ground so that he can impale her forcefully as she rides the high that his blood has given her.

Chapter 17

The Light Fae Kingdom, September 2014 - Sebastian (Kalen)

“You must,” Pyleah insists. “This has gone on long enough!”

“I won’t do it, Mother,” Sebastian says to her insolently. What she is asking is too much.

Pyleah lets out a noise of frustration and turns in a swirl of her skirts to pace in front of him. He is sitting on his throne in the Throne Room and it is so bright in here his eyes are aching. He needs sleep, but more than that, he needs to stop having the nightmares about Jess and move on from that. But what he really craves is Delilah’s blood. It is starting to become a habit that is hard to break. It takes him out of himself and to a place where he can fantasize about his life with Aeval and their daughter. It also takes away the pain of knowing his daughter is really his sister.

Pyleah stops pacing and stands in front of him with her hands on her hips. “I don’t see what the problem is,” she scoffs at him.

“The problem is that she hates me right now. She won’t even speak to me, let alone give me the time I need to do what you are asking,” Sebastian snaps at her. He really doesn’t want to have this conversation.

“So, work on that first. Suggest to her that she forgive you and when she does you will make her choose you. I have had it with that little whore stringing everyone along. It is time to end this now,” she says forcefully.

Sebastian cringes at his mother’s use of “whore.” Aeval really doesn’t like it when people call her that. “She isn’t a whore,” Sebastian says. “She is my wife and you will treat her with respect.”

“Pah,” Pyleah spits out. “She doesn’t deserve it. She is a tainted little bitch who just happens to be the Dark Fae Princess.”

Sebastian is mildly shocked by his mother’s resentment and hatred for Aeval. She said that she didn’t blame Aeval for what happened with his father, but clearly, she has major issues. This is a bad, bad, situation to be in.

“I am just as tainted,” Sebastian reminds her to her disgust.

“Yes, you belong together,” she sneers. “You will spell her to choose you, Kalen. All of this suffering must end. She belongs here in this palace with you and your…daughter.” The venom in her voice angers him. She is blaming everyone except the one person who is responsible for all of this: his asshole father.

“I won’t do it,” Sebastian says. “She is too strong for it to last. Maybe before she was re-turned, but now it will be near impossible.”

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