The Dark Fae Kingdom, September 2014 - Constantine

He looks at his wife briefly. “You don’t have to explain why you did it,” he says eventually. “I get it. I wanted this for you, months ago. I tried to give it to you.”

He stares into her perplexed face and he knows she is wondering why he is being so calm about this.

It’s simple.

He knew this was coming; he was waiting for it.

He didn’t know when, or how, or even really by whom, but he knew it was coming.

After he had that visit from the Future Aefre after his night of betrayal and destruction in Los Angeles, he knew she would be turned again. His Aefre tried to go back to the past to try and stop all of the hurt and pain from happening, but she couldn’t go. They decided it must have been her Vampire and her connection to him that did it.

When they first went back, it was during a heated argument where she said something that tore at him and still does to this day. They went back in time to the day they first met and every other jump in the past that they did was focused on moments in their life together. So, in a way it made sense. Too bad Future Aefre’s connection is now with a creature he despises more than anyone, even Cole. He has had to keep this information to himself as he couldn’t reveal that Future Aefre had come to visit him. His Aefre would want to know why and he can never, ever tell her.

“I wish you had told me of your plans,” he says.

“I didn’t know for sure it would work,” she says.

“Yes, you did. You never would have asked him such a monumental thing if you thought it would fail,” he says. He sees her curse under her breath. He knows her too

well. “You should have told me because of the baby, Aefre. What if something had happened? I remember all too well what happened when I turned you,” he adds in a reprimanding tone.

“I was human then,” she defends herself. “Weak and pathetic. I made sure to get V.A. back before because I knew She would protect the baby. It is of Her true lineage, She wouldn’t let anything happen to it.”

“Hm,” he says and flicks his cigarette away. “In that case, am I to assume that the child you lost was in fact not of true Dragon lineage?”

She frowns and thinks that over. “If you are trying to trick me into telling you who came forward before Sebastian, I am not falling for it.”

He smiles at her and takes her hand. He has to ask her how she feels about her new sire, but he doesn’t know how to without losing his head in the rage he feels over it. It is taking everything he has to hold it together and to sit here calmly as if nothing has happened.

“I don’t love him,” she says, squeezing his hand. “I don’t feel anything for him. It’s different to how it was with you, you must know that. I need to explain it to you. Will you let me?” she asks.

He nods, unable to speak.

“I loved you with everything that I had before you turned me, you were my whole world, and it would have remained that way even if I had stayed human. Those feelings were amplified once I became a Vampire, it became almost an obsession, a love so fierce that it consumed me.” She stops speaking to take a breath.

He knows exactly how she feels. Only he felt that for her before she was turned, and in his stupidity, he ran away from it, telling himself it was temporary. A fleeting moment in his eternal life to be forgotten.

“I have never felt that with Remiel, and nor will I ever. Him being my sire changes nothing with regard to my feelings for him. This turning, it is different. I do not feel the need to be near him, I won’t turn Rogue if I never see him again, I don’t want to crawl into his bed and fuck him until the world ends. It was a transaction, plain and simple. He gave me what I wanted and now I have to give him what he wants.”

“And what is that?” Constantine says quietly, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“He wants to see Delinda. To see for himself that she isn’t his,” she says, and he crushes her hand in anger.

“You told him?” he snaps at her.

She grimaces and pulls her hand free from his grasp. Oh, she has her strength back, no doubt about that. Yesterday, she wouldn’t have been able to break free from him.

“Yes, he needed to know,” Aefre says, rubbing her hand in a show of manipulation that he applauds her for.

“Does he know you are pregnant?” he asks.

“Yes,” she says, and he growls at her.

“He isn’t working with Tiamat,” she insists.

“Is that what he told you, before he sank his fangs into your neck and drank from you?” he hisses, unable to help himself.