“It’s okay, CK,” I say to him with a smile. “I have to do this.”

I can tell by the look on his face that he has no idea what I am talking about. He must have showed up after that part of the discussion. “You don’t have to do anything with him,” he says carefully. “Come to me.” He holds his hand out like I am a skittish rabbit about to dart off out of his sight, which, I suppose, I am.

I shake my head. “You will understand soon, my love,” I say and take Remiel’s hand firmly.

“Aefre, no!” he yells as, without another word, Remiel Astrals us off to a place so heavily warded, I doubt even my husband would be able to find me.

I look around to a small, dark room with a bed and a dresser and that’s about it. I have no idea what Realm we are in, but I don’t really care. I just want this over with now, so that I can go home strong and capable. I get a slight pang of fear for my unborn child, but I brush it aside. This is a magickal baby, a magickal pregnancy and I am magickal. My other child lived through the failed transition a few months ago, so I am sure this one will live though a successful one. My Dragon will protect her, of that I have no doubt. This child is a part of Her from both my own and CK’s side. It is one of the reasons that I need V.A. back in play before we do this. I am confident that we will both come out of the other side just fine.

“You’re worried about your child,” Remiel states, crossing his arms.

“No,” I say, not wanting to give him my fear. “You have never sired before, have you?” I ask to turn the tide on this conversation.

“No,” he says. “I would kill a human bef

ore I even managed to drink enough of their blood.”

I gulp, remembering those poisonous claws and fangs, but this is a necessity and he is the only one who can do it, so I must forget about my worries.

“Shall we then?” he asks, indicating the bed.

“My Dragon first,” I remind him. Without it, my child and I will, without a doubt, die.

He mutters his words and a wind whips around the small, dark room. After a moment, I stand before him completely naked, but with a golden glow coming from my back to signify the happy return of V.A.

His eyes are fixated on my little bump, but I don’t try to hide it. He should know that he can’t try and get me pregnant now.

“If I do this and then I find out that you have lied to me, I will rip that child from your womb and crush it before your eyes, are we clear?” he threatens me.

“Yes,” I croak out. My mouth has gone dry even though I am telling him the truth.

“Very well,” he says. “I don’t need to tell you that this is going to hurt.”

I nod and turn around. I don’t stop to think of the dozen reasons why I shouldn’t do this, nor the reasons why Remiel agreed so easily to it. I just have to go with it now.

He lightly holds my upper arms, keeping his claws away from my skin. I find that a good sign. If he wanted me dead, he wouldn’t be trying not to hurt me.

“Ready?” he breathes on my neck.

“Do it,” I whisper and then close my eyes tightly against the pain of his ancient fangs, coated with venom, sliding into my neck. I bite my tongue almost in half, trying not to scream with the pain. I can feel V.A. flapping violently on my back, but not out of protest, rather, out of triumph.

She wants this as much as I do because She knows the Vampire makes me stronger. No matter what my mother or father say, the Vampire was always a part of my destiny. There is no possible Other World where this didn’t happen to me no matter what factors got in the way. And that is why I am so convinced that it will work. I wish that CK had been the one to re-sire me, but it had to be Remiel this time. Only he is powerful enough to break through whatever immunity I got from Xanthe’s potion.

I taste the blood in my mouth from my tongue and I feel my knees buckle under the searing pain, paralysis, and the blood loss. He holds me up, draining me to the point of no return.

Unfortunately, I haven’t yet passed out. It would have been nice to sink into oblivion, but I feel every tug on my veins and it feels like someone is poking my nerve endings with a red-hot poker, and it hurts.

There is no pleasure in this as there is with an ordinary Vampire bite.

Finally, finally, he pulls away and feeds me his blood. My head is lolling to the side and I am as limp as a rag doll, but as soon as I taste his blood, I feel myself get pulled under the blanket of transition, and I feel, deep inside me, V.A. coil Herself around my baby to protect her.

The Dark Fae Kingdom, September 2014 - Constantine

“What?” Devon yells at him loudly enough to attract the attention of everyone in the palace. “She went where?”

“Where, I don’t know,” Constantine snaps at him. “With whom, you heard me.”

“Why? Why? Why would she do that? Why would she go with him? Did he force her into it?” Devon harangues him to the point where he wants to rip his head off just to shut him up.