“Oh, my love,” he says, holding me gently. “We will fix this. I promise you.”

Yeah, I keep hearing that, but I don’t see any action. That is why I have to take it myself and do every-fucking-thing that I can do to fix it and fix it today. My plan is reckless and considering what I have learned here today, could end up getting me into even more trouble, but when did that ever stop me?

“I need to go,” I say to Xane. “I’ll be back soon. Is everything okay here since you returned?” I add, having forgotten for a moment that Tiamat will know he went to the D.F.K.

“Nothing I can’t handle,” he says with a grimace. “Don’t worry about me. I have missed you.” He curls my hair around my ear, and I sigh.

“I have missed you as well. I can’t wait to come home,” I say. “But I must go now. I have something to attend to urgently.

“Can I help?” he asks, concerned.

“No, I need to do this myself,” I say and with a deep kiss that I wish I could linger over, I puffport myself back to Earth and I stand on the edge of the Cliffs of Dover overlooking the English Channel and await my visitor.

Chapter 15

“Where is she?” Remiel demands as I stand there and look out over the sea to the coast of France. CK sailed me across this very expanse of water a thousand and two years ago. It often escapes my attention, but on days like today it hits me how long I have been in this World, and how much longer I will go on.

“You don’t think me fool enough to just bring her here, do you?” I reply, keeping my eyes trained on the water.

“Aefre, I want my daughter,” he says to me.

I turn my head to look at him and he does the same to me. “She isn’t your daughter,” I say.

His face goes as hard as stone. “Do not try and lie to me, Aefre. I know my own daughter. She is mine,” he says.

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “We thought she was. But she isn’t.”

“She is,” he insists. “We mated while you were in your Heat, and I didn’t sense a pregnancy. That means you conceived with me.”

“No, I was already pregnant when you took me,” I say. “It’s an unusual situation.”

“Aefre,” he warns me in a deathly quiet voice.

“Look, Remiel. I know this is hard to hear, but she isn’t the true heir. She is the blessed Faerie baby, and despite not fathering her, you are responsible for her being here,” I say with only a touch of resentment.

“No,” he says adamantly. “She is a Dragon. She Shifted, she…”

“She is half Dragon from my side, of course, and extremely powerful. A chameleon, my father called her. Able to adapt fully to her surroundings. But she is without doubt the Faerie child,” I say.

“If she adapts as you say, then how do you know she isn’t just adapting to being locked away in the Fae Kingdoms?” he snaps at me. “The Faerie side of her will be strong there.”

“She does Light Fae magick,” I say. “There is no doubt about it, and she didn’t get that from me. She got it from her father.”

“Who is?” he asks coldly.

“I’ll give you three guesses,” I say, just as coldly.

He glowers at me and he knows.

“That situation was your doing,” I hiss at him. “You put me in that position to be raped and I got pregnant. You only have yourself to blame for this.”

“I want to see her,” he says, ignoring me. “I want to see for myself that you tell the truth.”

“Oh, believe me, I would rather you were her father. Do you think I want to look at her every day and know how, and by whom, she was conceived?”

“Aefre,” he says softly and reaches for me.

“Don’t,” I say and pull back. “I wouldn’t make this up for anything, not even to get you and my mother to back off.”