Sitting cross-legged, Devon straightens his back and focuses, just like Xyla taught him to do.

He concentrates and needs to feel the magick course through him, he needs to touch it with his essence, become one with it. He feels the vibrations and he concentrates on Cole. He lets his body fall into it and take him precisely where he wants to go.

It wasn’t all that difficult.

There are wards, strong ones, but they aren’t there to keep him out. No, he busted through them without so much as a flinch. He can only imagine that these wards were designed to keep only one person out: Lizzie.

“Cole,” Devon says, opening his eyes.

“Wondered when you’d show up,” Cole drawls weakly at him.

Devon sees him curled up on the iron-framed bed, tucked under a scratchy-looking blanket, on a thin mattress.

“How’d you know I’d show?” Devon asks him, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I knew,” Cole says and sits up.

“Are you okay?” Devon asks.

“Yeah, doesn’t look like much, but funnily enough they aren’t doing anything to me anymore. I think they finally realized I know fuck all,” he says.

“They know where we are,” Devon says with a heavy implication that Cole frowns at. “They know they can’t get to us. But there is a complication.”

“What?” Cole asks.

“Can’t say, man. I would if I could,” Devon says awkwardly.

“Whatever,” Cole says. “I am so over this. I just want to go home.”

“Me too,” Devon says with a sigh.

“So, is it true?” Cole asks.


“Is Liv pregnant with Constantine’s child?” he queries.

Devon blinks at him several times. “How did you know that?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Cole says. “Obviously, it is true.”

“Unfortunately,” Devon says. “She hasn’t picked him, though. And she won’t. She said ‘yes’ to me.” He couldn’t help it. “How did you know? Does Tiamat know?”

“No, Constantine came to see me,” Cole says to Devon’s surprise. “He couldn’t wait to fill me in. Of course she did,” he adds sadly.

“He came to see you? Here?” Devon asks.

“Yep,” Cole replies. “Hey, are you okay?”

“Me?” Devon asks. “I’m fine. Are you okay?”

“Your nose,” Cole says and points at him.

Devon wipes his finger under his nose, and he sees blood. “Huh,” he says.

“You should go,” Cole says.

“Not without you,” Devon says and grabs his arm, but it drifts straight through him. He is incapable of getting Cole out of here.