I fill him in on my information, shushing him when he nearly goes ballistic at my visit to Other Liv.

“Saint George,” he says carefully. “The Dragon Slayer.”

“I know how ridiculous it sounds, but that’s what she said. Honestly, I don’t know whether to believe her or not, but even if this is a wild goose chase, I need to know,” I say with a sigh.

CK gets up and absently removes his towel from around his hips. I almost drool at the sight of his muscular, bare arse and I stand up, ready to take him where he stands, everything else be damned, when he turns around and says, “I have it.”

“Excuse me?” I say, dragging my eyes up from his cock to his face. “You have what?”

“The sword,” he says to me as if I am dense. I gape at him and he huffs at me and starts to get dressed, unfortunately.

“The sword?’’ I splutter. “You have the sword of Saint George?”

“Yes,” he says.

“Where?” I ask suspiciously as he buttons up his shirt and pulls out a blue, silk tie.

“In my collection,” he says vaguely.

I watch him for a few moments in silence and then breathe out in frustration. “Godammit, CK. Stop being your usual reticent self and tell me where it is, and why you never mentioned it before.”

“If I knew it was capable of killing your mother, I would have mentioned it before,” he says, ignoring my outburst. “It’s supposed to be a legend,” he adds, now completely dressed.

“Humph,” I say with my arms folded. “You still should have told me.”

“Regardless, you know now,” he says mildly. “I will go and fetch it.”

“No, I will come with you,” I say.

“It’s on Earth,” he says.

“So?” I ask rudely. “I’m coming with.”

“Aefre, you won’t be safe on Earth. They will know you are there,” CK says reasonably.

It is a reasonable argument, but tough shit. “I’m going,” I say determinedly.

He sighs at me and is about to launch into all the reasons why I can’t go with him when there is a loud knock at the door, and without waiting for an answer, in barges Sebastian.

“Excuse me!” I snap at him, and CK glares at him in anger.

“Aeval, we need to talk, and I am not going anywhere until we do,” he says.

“Tough, CK and I have somewhere we need to be,” I answer.

“Drake told me,” Sebastian blurts out with red cheeks. “He told me that the baby you lost was ours.”

If there was ever a stunned silence before, it has nothing on this one. CK goes from annoyance at being interrupted to apoplectic in the space of a second. He clenches his fists at his sides, and I can see the effort it takes on him not to kill Sebastian where he stands.

“He had no right to do that,” I say quietly.

“You should have come to me,” Sebastian says softly. “I had a right to know.”

“Don’t get your hopes up,” I say coldly, making sure to take hold of CK’s hands to calm him down. He isn’t going to like what I have to say next, either. “Someone has already come to me and told me the baby was theirs.”

Two sets of eyes bore into me as I don’t reveal who. It’s not anyone’s concern right now. First off, I need to find out who is telling the truth. And that falls in line after getting my hands on the sword of Saint George.

“Who?” CK croaks out, beyond pissed that he was forced to ask.