“Every weapon?” he asks.

“Not Dragon ones,” I

clarify. “So, I am guessing that this sword, if it exists, is Dragon-made.”

“That would make sense,” Maurelle says and Drake nods absently in agreement.

“So that puts a large crimp in my plans to find it,” I say, chewing my lip. I’m not really getting anywhere here. I need to speak to someone who has been on Earth far longer than any other person.

I need CK.

“I am going to go and discuss this with my husband,” I say, standing up.

“Yes, Kalen has been in the Earthly Realm a long time. He may be able to help you,” Drake says, and I pout at him.

“No, I mean Constantine,” I say and cross my arms.

I end up on the end of a really dark glare, but I stand my ground. “Kalen and I are not together anymore. We will raise Delinda together, but that is it. Accept it,” I say.

“Never,” he says vehemently. “You are meant to be together.”

“Not anymore,” I say. “The Faerie baby has already been born, and not by him. So just leave it.”

I sense he is about to say more, but Maurelle tugs on his hand and he clamps his mouth shut.

“Do tell us of your findings,” she says to me, giving me an intense stare that I return with a nod. We are united in this.

I turn on my heel and head out of the door and down the tower steps.

Of course, I run straight into Sebastian. The last person I want to see right now.

“Aeval, we need to talk,” he says, clutching at my hand. I pull my hand out of his and shake my head.

“No, you have pretty much said everything you could ever say to me now. We are done,” I remind him.

“No, you don’t understand,” he says. “The baby, it was…”

“I don’t want to hear it,” I snap at him. “I don’t want to hear anything else you have to say to me.” I pick up my skirts and run. There is no way I could hang around and hear the words come from him that the child I lost was ours. Not after everything he said to me earlier. He is a heartless prick and I can’t forgive what he said to me. As I run towards my bedroom, I push all of the baby business aside. I will find out who is lying to me one way or another, as somebody has to be. But, right now, this is more important. If there is a weapon that can kill Tiamat, then I need it so that I can kill Her and then my family will be safe. There will be plenty of time for everything else after that.

“CK?” I ask, pushing open the door.

“Yes, my love?” he says, coming out of the bathroom. He is all freshly showered and still damp. It fires up my lust and for one sweet moment, I forget my troubles and allow myself to admire him.

He sees my appraisal of him, and he steps closer with a seductive smile. I reluctantly put my hand up, regaining my focus.

“As much as I want you right now, there is something else. Something important,” I say with regret.

I expect him to be annoyed, but he must see the seriousness in my expression, and he comes to me immediately and takes my hand. “What is it?” he asks, almost in dread. He doesn’t look like he can take any more bad news, but hopefully this isn’t.

“I need your expertise on all things weapon-y and medieval,” I say.

He raises his perfect eyebrow at me and smiles. “My expertise? You are the one with access to all weapons forged,” he reminds me.

“This particular one isn’t in my armory,” I say and pull him down to the bed. We sit side by side and I turn to him, still clutching at his hands. I am looking for our lost bond but there is no sign of it at all. Not even the slight hum from the Blood Magick ritual.

“Shit,” I mutter with a frown. “The ritual. We need to do it, soon.”

“Agreed,” he says quickly. “But what is this about a weapon?”