“To make it right I need to know who killed my child,” he snarls at her. “Instead of focusing your energy on this prick, go and find out so I can shed some blood.”

“Xane,” she says. “I cannot. It is impossible.”

“You said anything is possible with black magick,” he says. “You already admitted to using it to figure out the baby was mine, go and use it again.”

Xanthe purses her lips in consternation. He knows he is demanding a lot of her, but if she has already turned to black magick once, what difference will another time make? Especially if it is to find out who did this.

“I’ll try,” she murmurs and disappears quickly.

Xane looks over at Xander and even though he knows he can’t hear anything, he says, “Wake up, you bastard. Wake up so that I can have my wife back.”

He knows it is fruitless. But it makes him feel better to try. Anything is better than the despair that is threatening to pull him under. He wishes that he hadn’t left Xerxei now. At least if he was with her, she would make him feel better. But he cannot get back to her now, so the only thing for him to do is to stand over his mother to make sure she finds out what he needs to know.

He storms out of Xander’s room and goes to do exactly that.

The Dark Fae Kingdom, September 2014 - Aefre

Devon steps back from me, startled at my loudness, and then his face just sort of closes off and he crosses his arms, remaining silent.

Very unlike him.

“Don’t you see?” I ask him, and then turn to Lincoln. “There is a way, and I bet that bitch knows what it is. I have to go to her,” I say excitedly.

“No,” Devon says with tight lips.

“No?” I ask in disbelief. “No?”

“No,” he says again.

“Dev, if she can help us, I have to go,” I say, shaking my head at his stubbornness.

“Don’t,” he says with a crack in his voice.

“What?” I ask, completely perplexed now by his behavior. “I am not asking you to go with me, for Christ’s sake.”

“Lizzie, please,” he says finally, uncrossing his arms and coming to me. He takes my hands. “I don’t want you going to see her.”

Okay, now I am just getting suspicious. “What are you hiding from me?” I bark at him. “Have you been with her again? Worried she will tell me what you’ve been up to?”

“V.A.,” Lincoln says gently. “Leave it.”

I spin around at his voice and my tone sharpens even more. “You!” I snarl. “You had better stay the fuck out of this. I haven’t forgotten a

bout your dalliance with her.”

He growls at me but makes no move on me. He wouldn’t dare. I see him visibly calm himself. “This isn’t about me,” he says tightly.

“Then what is it about?” I ask, hands on my hips.

“I don’t want to tell you,” Devon suddenly blurts out. “But, if you go to see her, she will tell you. I know she will, she won’t be able to stop herself from rubbing it in. So, please don’t go.”

His voice is so stricken that I lose my growing anger at all of this secrecy. Whatever it is that has happened, clearly isn’t what I think it is.

“Dev, you can tell me anything,” I say gently and take his hand.

He shakes his head.

“You can’t not tell me now, my darling boy,” I say to him, stroking his face. “Whatever it is has to be said because I am going to see her, and I would rather it came from you than her.”