He turns me around and pushes me up against the long table that runs down the side of the room. I grip the edges with both hands tightly as he raises my skirts and inserts his hand in between my legs. I am already so ready for him; I cry out for him to touch me some more. His fingers lightly play over my pussy and then he slides his finger down my slit, rubbing me in a delicious way that makes my knees buckle as I come for him.

“Fuck me,” he says. “Do that again, baby.” He coaxes me again into a frenzy by placing his thumb on my clit and two fingers inside me.

“I want you,” I gasp. “Now.”

He presses his huge cock against me in response and I reach round the back of me to stroke him. I squeeze him and he moans into my ear. I quickly lower his zipper and pop him free of his pants.

“Take me just like this,” I whisper to him. He doesn’t hesitate to pull on my hips and settle himself in a position to enter me from behind. He is rock hard, and his length fills me up instantly, causing me to vibrate around him.

“Perfect,” he murmurs, his long, even strokes stoking back the fire in me. “We are so perfect together.”

It’s true. His body, even though he is so much bigger and taller than me, fits with mine like we were made for each other. We sculpt ourselves to one another and I feel like all of my problems will melt away if he just keeps on banging me up against this sideboard. I shudder one last time before he shoots his load into me and I feel it pumping into me as his orgasm goes on and on.

“I love you,” he says as he pulls me even further back onto him and wraps his arms tightly around me. “I needed that like you won’t believe.”

“I love you too,” I say. “So, no Faeries here that take your fancy?” I add lightly, but he growls in my ear.

“Do not,” he says sternly. “You should know by now that you are the only one, in any World, for me.”

I turn around in his arms, slipping him out of me in the process. “I do know,” I say seriously, but leave it at that.

He curls my hair behind my ear and sighs in bliss. “I love the feel of your cum all over my cock.”

I burst out laughing at his dirty words. “That’s a pity, I was going to lick it off y

ou now,” I say lasciviously.

“Oh, sweet Jesus,” he moans. “Don’t let me stop you.”

With a wicked smile, I get to my knees and take him in my mouth. It isn’t long before he is licked clean and firing his climax into my mouth for me to swallow with a loud purr.

“Only one more,” he murmurs naughtily.

“Oh,” I gasp as the thought of him taking me that way makes me shiver. We have never done that before and while I am no anal virgin, his enormous size is a bit intimidating, to tell you the truth.

“One day,” he says quietly when he senses my hesitation. “I want to take you as my true Alpha, one day.”

“Oh,” I say, and I blush. I thought he was going for a velvet hat trick, not take-me-as-a-wolf.

“Oh!” he says and blushes furiously as he gets why I am suddenly bright red. “Now that is something we have never done before either,” he adds.

“One day,” I murmur teasingly, and he chuckles at me.

“One day,” he repeats. He drops his mouth to mine and kisses me lightly. “Thank you for not kicking my ass, by the way. I totally deserved it.”

“Humph,” I say rudely. “You would be wise to keep me on your good side for a while, Mr. Anderson. I haven’t forgotten about it.”

“I know,” he says. “Neither have I. I will spend lifetimes making it up to you.”

“Count on it,” I say and then I am struck with such inspiration I yell, “Linc!” at him and he clutches his chest in astonishment.

“What?” he yells back at me.

“She’s dead!” I scream at him in my utter elation at this epiphany. “She’s dead!”

“Who is dead?” he asks, hot on my heels as I yank the door open while he is pulling his pants up from around his ankles.

“She is,” I declare triumphantly.