“I beg your pardon?” I ask as his words sink in. I choke back the sob that is threatening to come up. “You find me so disgusting and…and used that you no longer want me?”

“That child out there is my sister,” he snaps at me. “I cannot keep you as my wife knowing that.”

My cheeks flame with humiliation and disgust at myself. He has just spoken everything out loud that I have been hiding from myself since we found out. I turn from him as the tears seep out of my eyes.

“We will keep up appearances for the sake of our people,” he says.

“Get out,” I say to him quietly. “Get out of my sight.”

I hear him leave and I break down into the tears I was holding back. How dare he? He is acting like I seduced his dad and got pregnant on purpose or something equally as repugnant. There isn’t a single thing that he could have said or done to me that would hurt me more. I knew he was changing by being here, I could tell his attitude was becoming so much more like Drake’s the longer he resided here, but after this…I don’t even recognize him anymore. How can he say that he loves me one day and then say such an awful thing to me the next?

“Aefre?” CK suddenly says to me, taking me into his arms. “Was it that bad?”

“No,” I splutter. “It was okay.”

“Then why are you crying?” he asks gently.

I blink and then dash the tears from my eyes. Good question. Why am I crying over that beast? He doesn’t deserve it, but I have to tell CK what just happened, so I do.

“Shit,” he says after I finish. “He said that?” He squeezes me so tight I can’t breathe, but it’s just what I need. “He is a fool, and a fucking idiot,” he adds.

I feel a massive “but” coming…

“But don’t you see now that I am the only one for you?” he asks.

I sigh. He is asking me to say the words and to choose him. But how can I after I just said ‘yes’ to Devon and after what Xane and I have discovered? That was our child, the one that would have made all the difference in the long run of things. If I had known that, we would probably be together now. I realize that working off that assumption, I should most definitely pick CK now, but there is just something stopping me from saying it out loud. I don’t know if it is Devon suddenly throwing his hat in the ring, or what, but now isn’t the time to be making this decision.

He sighs as I stay silent. “What is holding you back, Aefre? There is only me and you, and our child now. Just say it.”

“This isn’t the time, my love. I have too much else to deal with right now,” I say.

“Like what?” he snaps at me. “Devon?”

“Yes, and Delinda, and Remiel, and Tiamat, and trying to figure out how Sebastian and I are going to raise our supposed child when I don’t want to see him ever again, and Xane, and Lincoln…must I go on?” I ask, pulling away from him.

“No,” he says shortly. “Please do not go on with your list of excuses.”

“They aren’t excuses, Constantine,” I say angrily. “This is my life. If you want out, there’s the fucking door!”

His shocked look is quickly replaced with anger, which he holds onto for dear life, probably only because he doesn’t want to beat the crap out of the mother of his unborn child.

“Don’t you dare push me away,” he snarls, his eyes going bright red. “I am your husband, the man that has loved you for over a thousand years. I am the one you go to and the one who is here to pick up the pieces when you fall apart. Do not ever tell me to leave again.”

We glare at each other until there is a knock on the door and it opens even though neither one of us bade anyone entry.

“Time to go downstairs,” Drake says. “Kalen already has Delinda. I see that they have become better acquainted.”

“Fine,” I mutter and Astral on a gown. I stalk out of the bedroom with my head held high with CK close behind me. I really have no desire to see Sebastian, but I must see this through now. Everything else can wait.

Including Constantine.

Drake leads me into the Great Hall, and it is packed to the rafters with Faeries, both Light and Dark. I falter slightly as I wasn’t expecting such a turnout, but I suppose they have been waiting for this for a really, really long time. There is a hush as we make our way down the long aisle to where Sebastian is holding Delinda. She is looking comfortable in his arms. I resent it, big time, but I can’t exactly turn around now and say he isn’t her father. Drake would skin me alive.

The assembly begins with Drake speaking first, in Faerie, and then Sebastian takes over. I have no clue what they are saying, but Delinda is nodding along like she understands every word. There is a slight titter as he says something amusing and, with a charming smile, he finally presents the blessed child to her people, while I just stand there like a spare part. I guess in a way, I am. Kalen is a King here, I am merely the person who bore the child they want.

There is a hushed, revered silence and every single Faerie in the hall drops to their knees, includi

ng Drake and Sebastian. Sebastian has placed Delinda on her feet and she stares out across the hall in awe. She slips her hand into mine and I squeeze it tightly with a smile down at her. She beams up at me and then she is torn from my grasp as Sebastian takes her back in his arms, and with yet more talk I don’t understand, there proceeds to be a coronation of sorts. I watch it all, wishing I were anywhere but here and my wandering eye catches Lincoln, sitting off to the side. He smiles at me and I grin back at him. I haven’t seen him since I got back and all I want now is to run into his arms and have him hold me and protect me from all the bad, horrible things that are happening. I don’t think anyone is going to miss me, so I shuffle to the side, but stop dead when an agonizing pain tears through my head. It takes my breath away and makes my eyes water. I stumble slightly and put my hand to my head, trying to get my focus back. Sebastian has dismissed the assembly and the Faeries are all filing out, talking ten to the dozen and making a din that my ears just can’t handle right now.