“You will accept your responsibility to Delinda. That is what is best for the child. She doesn’t need to learn that her father was an abusive rapist, but you will end it with Aefre,” he says.

“She won’t believe it,” Sebastian says again. Constantine can hear the desperation in his voice.

“She will if you tell her that you cannot bear to look at her after knowing that she had a child with your father,” Constantine says quietly. He abhors that sentence more than anything else he has ever said out loud. It will hurt his wife to the point where it makes his heart ache to think of how disgusted she will feel with herself, but Sebastian is right. She won’t believe him unless he hurts her so badly, and this is the only way.

“No,” Sebastian says, shaking his head vehemently. “No! I will not do that to her. It will destroy her.”

“I know,” Constantine says. “That is why you will do it, or I will tell her what you did, and she will hate you for the rest of eternity, if she doesn’t kill you first.”

“She will hate me anyway if I say that to her,” Sebastian says softly, dropping to his knees. “Please, Constantine, do not make me do this.”

“She will for a time, but you know how she feels herself about this. She will eventually forgive your words because she will understand why you said them. She is too merciful that way. But I can assure you, she will never forgive you for playing a role in the loss of her child,” Constantine whispers, running his hand through Sebastian’s hair.

“I can’t,” Sebastian whispers back. “I can’t do that to her. I love her.”

“But she is mine,” Constantine says. “You should know better than to go up against me, Vincentius. You will never win.”

He sees the tears in his charge’s eyes, and he knows that Sebastian has come to the right decision. He will do as he is told because the alternative is far, far worse for him. “Tomorrow, first thing,” he says and Teleports out after he gets a nod from Sebastian.

Constantine lands in the empty dining hall of the Dark Fae palace and pours himself a large Scotch. He deserves this drink and he intends to savor every drop. It is some of the finest whiskey he has ever tasted and that is saying something. Sebastian was his biggest contender in this game, and with him out of the picture, he and Aefre can live happily ever after. All of his dreams are about to come true because he knows his wife will turn to him after Sebastian destroys her and she will make the decision to choose him once and for all. He sits down with a smile and props his feet up on the table.

“Make yourself at home,” Drake sneers at him as he enters the dining hall.

“No need, we won’t be here much longer,” Constantine replies.

“Meaning?” Drake growls at him as he pours himself a large Scotch.

“Aefre and I will be leaving shortly,” he says.

“You are free to leave at any time, but my daughter and Delinda stay here,” Drake responds.

Constantine just shrugs and goes back to his Scotch.

“I have had a bedroom prepared for you now that Aeval has returned,” Drake says smugly, sitting across from him.

“I am perfectly happy sharing a room with my wife,” Constantine says.

“She is not your wife, and I will not have my daughter share a room with a man that isn’t her husband,” Drake says.

“You can deny it all you like,” Constantine says, “but in Aefre’s eyes, I am her husband. We are having a child together and soon we will leave here to be together as a family.”

“There is nowhere that Aeval can go where she will be safe from her mother,” Drake says. “She stays here, and if I have to put you back in the dungeon to keep you away from her, so help me, I will do it.”

“You could try,” Constantine says, unconcerned. “But she will go to great lengths to keep me by her side. I wouldn’t piss her off if I were you. I have been on the receiving end of her wrath and trust me, you don’t want to see it. She has rolled over today because she has been utterly gutted by the news that Aelfric is Delinda’s father. She hasn’t fully processed it yet, but tomorrow will be a different story.”

“I can handle my own daughter,” Drake scoffs.

“Hm,” Constantine says with narrowed eyes. He knows exactly how Drake handles his daughter. “We’ll see,” he adds and then he gets up and pours himself more Scotch.

“Go to the room that has been prepared for you,” Drake says threateningly as he turns to leave.

“No,” Constantine says. “My wife needs me.”

“Kalen is her husband,” Drake says, standing up. “She will choose him; I can assure you of that.”

“I wouldn’t count on it,” Constantine says and makes his way back to his wife’s side.

He is disappointed to find that she isn’t alone. He had wanted to w