He remains still, deep inside, and just kisses me. He reaches up to tweak my nipple and I moan into his mouth. I start to move against him, and he gives me what I want. He suddenly pounds into me, pressing me into the bed with his hands on my hips.

“Mine,” he growls at me, all the sweetness now gone from his manner.

“Yours,” I murmur in response and look up at him. I still when I see his eyes. They have gone black and his fangs have dropped, his claws have extended into my flesh, and I stifle the yelp of pain.

“Choose me, Aefre,” he demands. “Say the words.”

I answer only with a squeak when he digs his claws even further into me. He realizes that he has Vamped out on me and he quickly pulls back, but he hammers into me, causing the desire to bubble up again.

“Aefre,” he pants. “I love you.”

He is close to letting go, but he is waiting for me. I forget about everything else and just let myself feel his movements. It isn’t long before I am coming for him. I ride the wave of pleasure, letting it consume me. I need it. I scream loudly, but CK clamps his mouth over mine and urgently pushes his tongue against mine as he shudders and lets go.

We lie with our bodies joined for a long time. He wraps his arms tightly around me and I revel in the weight of him crushing me. I feel my eyes start to droop and CK climbs off me and tucks me under the blanket.

Chapter 6

The Dark Fae Kingdom, September 2014 - Constantine

He watches his wife snuggle further under the covers. He wants nothing more than to lie with her in his arms all night long, but he has somewhere he needs to be. He has two orders of business and neither can wait because tomorrow is close, and they need to be sorted out by then before Aefre returns to her strong, stubborn self. She is exhausted and battered right now. He knows it is the only reason she has caved on many of the issues surrounding today, but tomorrow will be an entirely different story. He is almost looking forward to it. Drake has clearly never seen the wrath of Aefre before, and it may be entertaining to watch him try to push her around.

He meticulously gets dressed in a custom-made, navy, three-piece suit. He will give one thing to the Faeries: they make damn fine tailors. He straightens the cuffs of his crisp, white shirt and then with little effort, he succeeds in Teleporting himself off to the outside of Cole’s cell. He did know he could leave the D.F.K. and return via Teleporting, which is something he would like to keep a secret for now, but he didn’t know for certain if he would get through the standard set of wards, but he is so much stronger than he used to be. Devon asked him earlier if his powers worked in the Fae Kingdoms and that would be a resounding yes. He thinks he may be the only one of them. Even Xane seemed to struggle and that pleases Constantine no end, as did his abrupt departure.

He stares into the cell, his Vampire night sight having already kicked in. Cole is lying huddled under a rough-looking blanket, seemingly asleep.

“Cole,” he says quietly, and he sees the man’s back stiffen.

Cole slowly turns his head towards him and then he is on his feet in an instant. He wraps the blanket around his waist to cover his nudity and he strides towards Constantine.

“What are you doing here?” he sneers.

Constantine raises an eyebrow at his rudeness. “Expecting someone else?” he asks sarcastically. “Aefre perhaps?”

“Liv wouldn’t leave me here,” Cole says, gripping the bars of the cell. “Where is she?”

“Not coming,” Constantine says mildly, examining his fingernails. “She won’t be coming to rescue you.”

He watches as Cole drops back from the bars. “What did you say to her?” he asks stiffly.

“Why, nothing,” Constantine replies, not giving him the whole story. “She just knows which battles to pick, and you aren’t worth her risking her life…or the life of our baby.” He fixes his steady gaze on Cole after he places that bombshell in an easy tone, as if Cole already knew about it. It is obvious that he didn’t, and Constantine is almost annoyed that he didn’t know, but this is far more pleasing.

“Baby?” Cole croaks out. He looks utterly defeated and his shoulders slump as he steps back even further.

“Yes, that’s right. Our baby,” Constantine says innocently. “Well, I am here to tell you that you are on your own. Aefre won’t be coming to rescue you, so this little plan of Tiamat’s won’t work. You can tell Her that when She inevitably comes down here to see you.”

“She will come. She wouldn’t leave me here,” Cole says, but Constantine can see that he doesn’t truly believe it now.

“You left her. Abandoned her. You are nothing to her now,” Constantine says.

“She still loves me,” Cole says, getting some of his fire back. “She will come.”

“She doesn’t love you. She loves me and our child. It will only be a matter of hours until she officially chooses me and then we will be together for eternity, and I can assure you that neither you nor any of those other fuckers will have any contact with her after she does. It ends today,” he says menacingly.

“It’s all lies,” Cole says. “She doesn’t even know you are here, does she? In fact, I bet that you haven’t even told her that I’m here, have you? If she knew you could get this far in person, she would have insisted that you bring her with.”

Constantine glowers at Cole, but he doesn’t get a chance to say anything as Cole continues, “If you were here to protect her, she would have made you bring her, she would have made you rescue me. I bet you can even get past the wards on this cell. Tiamat said they were designed to keep on

ly Liv out.”