“And it is definitely his?” Xane asks.

“Yes, no doubts,” I say and take his hand.

“The child you lost was ours,” he blurts out so suddenly, I have a physical reaction to it. I jerk violently and turn to him.

“How do you know?” I whisper.

“My mother figured it out before I left to come here,” he says.

“How? I thought she couldn’t,” I ask.

“She could if she used black magick,” Xane says carefully.

“Oh,” I say faintly. “Did she also find out who killed our baby?”

“No,” he says. “But I can assure you that when she finds out they will suffer my wrath and wish they had never been born.”

“Fuck,” I breathe out for the first time since he told me. “Ours. She was ours. She was so powerful…” I reach up to stroke his face and I can still feel the bond that I have with him. It isn’t entirely gone, in fact, it doesn’t even feel like it has weakened. He closes his eyes and revels at my touch. “Oh, Xane,” I murmur and lean forward to kiss him softly. “How that would have changed things.”

His eyes fly open as he takes in my words. I mean them wholeheartedly and that is not Xerxei talking. At least not all of Xerxei, Aefre is having her say as well. I realize belatedly that while it may seem that CK and I have done the ritual recently, which keeps Aefre in the front, it has actually been a few weeks. I can quite easily lose myself, and right now I want to. Xane and I created a child together, a child that, against all the odds, was made by him and me. We could have had a beautiful baby girl and a beautiful, new life. I blink back the tears and he wipes them away with his thumbs. I have Shifted and he is gazing at me adoringly.

“We can try again,” he says against my lips. “It was meant to be us, Xerxei. It was meant to be you and me together. We can try again.”

I nod and he captures my lips with his. He drags me onto his lap, and I wiggle against him to make myself more comfortable. I need this right now. I need to feel him inside me, I need to forget about everything except his body joined with mine. He grabs my backside and squeezes gently, coaxing me to rub against him. I fumble with his zipper to get him free, while he struggles with my voluminous skirts to find my waiting pussy. There is no other foreplay than our kiss, which we don’t break, as I rear up over him and sink down quickly.

I ride him fiercely and he lets me. I need to feel the power of our fucking course through me. There is nothing soft or gentle about this. It is about our sadness over what we lost and trying to find comfort in each other without words. I don’t even care that we are on the bed that I will share with CK once we actually end up going to bed together. All that matters, is Xane and I dealing with our sorrow.

I cry out as the first wave of my orgasm hits me. It is as brutal as the ride I am giving my Demon husband. I am saturating his cock with my cum and I need more. I need to fuck him mindlessly until I can’t feel anything anymore. He instinctually knows this, and he holds off on his own release for as long as he can. I am slamming myself down on him so hard I am hurting myself. His jaw is clenched so tight, I know I am probably hurting him as well, but he lets me. He wants it as much as I do.

“That’s it, baby,” he pants as he finally breathes out when his climax hits him “Use me. I am here for you.”

His words throw me over the edge again. I thump around him as he shoots his load into me. I scream his name, not really bothering who can hear me, and then I ravage his mouth in a vicious kiss, biting his lips and tongue until I taste blood.

Moments later, I am panting and sweating in this medieval-style gown. My mouth is covered with Xane’s blood and my thighs are slippery with our cum. He is still deep inside me and I rock my hips slowly.

“More,” he gasps. “Take everything from me, Xerxei.”

I am about to comply when the door flies open, and I look up to find Devon glaring at me. I had wondered where he and CK had gotten to.

“Seriously?” he asks with his hands on his hips. “I ask you to marry me and you go and fuck this asshole?”

“It’s none of your business,” I say to him, irritated. What Xane and I have just shared is nothing to do with anyone but us. It is our grief and we will deal with it together.

“Lizzie,” Devon pleads. “I need you to give me an answer.”

“I can’t right now,” I croak out and climb reluctantly off Xane. He is just as annoyed that we didn’t get to finish what we started. “Xane needs me, and I need him right now.”

“I need you,” Devon says loudly. “I am not letting you push me away. I am here to tell you that I am fighting for you and fuck everyone else. I am sick to death of being such a fucking pushover. No more, Lizzie, no more! Do you hear me?” He storms off, banging the door loudly behind him.

“I think everyone heard him,” Xane comments as he stands to do his pants up.

I can’t help the raucous laughter that bubbles up. It is so beyond not funny, but I can’t stop it.

“And how come I’m the asshole?” he continues with a laugh of his own. “He is the one that just asked my wife to marry him.”

We both laugh it up until we are completely drained. I flop onto the bed and he flops next to me. We both sober up pretty quickly and I take his hand. Staring at the ceiling, I say, “I’m sorry, Xane. I am truly sorry that I couldn’t protect our daughter.”

“Christ, Xerxei,” he mumbles. “Don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault.”