“You two,” Drake says and points now at Xane and Devon, “I have no idea how Demons feed, but it won’t be from my people in any form. Got it?” he asks again.

Devon smiles and says, “I eat food. Lots of it. Lizzie tells me you enjoy feasts; I am looking forward to it.”

“Lizzie?” Drake asks in confusion.

“He means Aeval,” Sebastian says to him.

“Oh,” Drake sneers and turns to Xane, waiting for an answer from him.

“Got it,” Xane says and leaves it at that.

“And you?” Drake growls at Lincoln.

“Regular food,” he says quickly.

“Very well,” Drake grumbles and holds his hands out. Devon and Xane take ahold and Lincoln grabs onto Devon, leaving Sebastian to ferry Constantine and Cade into the Fae Kingdoms to await Aefre’s return.

The Dragon Realms, Date Unknown – Aefre

I watch Delinda playing with her dolls for a few moments before she grabs my hand and shows me around her bedroom. I inspect every single toy she has, which isn’t many, and all of her books, which are plentiful. I find some very disturbing tomes that I feel aren’t appropriate for her when I flick through them.

Remiel stops me with a smile and I frown at him. A child of Delinda’s age shouldn’t be learning Dragon magick already. “She needs to learn,” he says, and I am about to go into all the reasons why this is a bad idea, when in sweeps Tiamat without so much as a knock.

“Grams!” Delinda says, clapping her hands in delight and then after a stern look from Tiamat she lowers her eyes and curtsies.

I glance in horror at Remiel who has a scowl so fierce on his face that it stops the blasting I was about to hand out. My daughter does not curtsey to anyone, especially my bitch mother. Clearly, he thinks so too as he gathers her up and holds her close to him at eye level with Tiamat.

Nice move, Daddy.

“It is time for Ritual,” Tiamat states.

“Not yet,” Remiel says shortly.

“Now,” Tiamat says and turns on Her heel, expecting to be obeyed.

“I am sure it can wait just this once. Aefre wants to spend time with our daughter,” Remiel says before She can leave.

“Ritual does not wait, and it certainly does not get put off,” Tiamat replies. “Delinda, now.”

“No,” I say, stepping forward. “Remiel and I will see to Delinda’s bedtime. There will be no Ritual this evening.” Whatever the Hell that is?

Tiamat stares at me and I try not to flinch. “You cannot just waltz in her

e and take over,” She says.

“I am her mother,” I state firmly. “What I say goes.”

“Oh really?” She sneers at me. “You have been a mother for all of two minutes. What gives you the right?”

“She is mine,” I say firmly. I am not prepared to debate this issue further in front of Delinda. I take her from Remiel’s arms, and she snuggles into me.

Tiamat gives me a knowing smile that chills me to my very core. “Very well,” She says. “Tonight, the girl will miss Ritual, but she will have double tomorrow.”

“Done,” I say, already knowing we won’t be here tomorrow, and Tiamat’s smile broadens. I am going to have to really watch my back now. Tiamat leaves us alone and Remiel gazes at me in adoration.

“I don’t know how you did that,” he mutters.

I just shrug and smile at him and then twirl Delinda around and we continue to play before Remiel announces it is time to put her to bed.