? Vito says, coming further into the room.

“We have more than a minute. She will be gone days if not weeks,” Constantine says in a monotone.

“Everyone is already waiting in the library ready to go,” Vito says.

“They can wait a bit longer,” he says.

“What is the problem?” Vito asks.

“As soon as we leave here, it all becomes real,” Constantine admits quietly. “I just need a minute to accept that.”

“Oh,” Vito says and waits. “She’s going to come home,” he adds.

“I know that, but when she does, she will have a child with her. One that isn’t mine.” Constantine knows he has to stop being in denial about this, but he is finding it very difficult under the circumstances. “And I am worried about her escape.”

“Aefre is a fighter,” Vito says with a smile.

Constantine suddenly looks at him. “Do you remember back in 1452 when she was attacked by the Rogues?”

Vito nods warily. This was around the time that he and Aefre embarked on their illicit affair.

“When I felt her panic and I rushed into the clearing to see her with a stake at her heart, I have never been more afraid, before or since, than I was in that moment. Until now.”

Constantine turns away from Vito’s look. He knows he sounds pathetic, but he doesn’t care.

“She will come home safe and sound,” Vito says.

“She is…” Constantine nearly blurts out that Aefre is pregnant with his child and that is why he is so afraid for her safety. But they promised each other they wouldn’t tell anyone, so the baby remains as safe as possible. “She is my wife,” he says eventually. “I will always worry about her.”

Vito snorts in amusement and agreement and Constantine glares at him.

Vito comes to sit next to him on the bed and says, “Look, I’ve said this before, but we need to put our differences aside. Aefre needs all of us now. I can forgive you, if you can forgive me.”

“I don’t forgive you,” Constantine says. “You betrayed me with the one thing that I can never overlook. You of all people knew better than to go there.”

“I know,” Vito says quietly. “But she has this way of pulling you into her web and once you are there, you cannot escape.”

“Do not blame this on her,” Constantine snaps at him. “She knew how I felt about her affairs. You should have been stronger.”

“I tried. I wanted to, but I didn’t go near her for two centuries, Constantine. No man is that strong,” Vito says and slumps his shoulders.

Constantine sighs. He knows all too well what Vito is saying. If he was never strong enough to stay away from her, how can he expect lesser men to do so?

“Why did Aefre bring you back here with her from the Dark Fae Kingdom?” Constantine asks.

“I asked her to.” Vito reveals the reason that Constantine has been dying to know. “It is hard to be there as a Vampire. The no-feeding rule is the worst.”

“Did you feed from Aefre?” he asks with dread.

“I have, once or twice,” Vito answers carefully. “Not since we returned here.”

“I will rip your fangs out if you ever go near her that way again, are we clear?” Constantine says.

“Very,” Vito says quickly, catching the sub-text.

“Let’s go,” Constantine says then, standing up and pocketing the rings, glad that he has made himself clear to Vito about touching his wife.

“Truce?” Vito asks.