I can’t hang around here like I’ve got all the time in the world, because every second I am here, time is racing forward in my Realm. I just have to hope that Cade put two and two together and went to CK and told him, and that he and Vito have put their differences aside and rounded up the troops in the Fae Kingdoms where they will be safe.

This was meticulously planned, and Cade’s presence was expected, so even if he didn’t tell of Remiel’s visit, CK will know where I am by the rings on the nightstand. I must have faith that he came back from his sulk and is now working to get our plan into motion. Remiel leads me upstairs and down a long corridor to a room at the end.

My palms are sweating as he reaches for the knob and he smiles at me and says, “Relax. She is expecting you.”


His comment doesn’t make sense to me until he pushes open the door. We step inside and my jaw drops to the floor. I look at Remiel and he gestures me forward and I make myself move towards the little girl sitting on the rug playing with a doll.

I had expected a baby, not a toddler. I am completely sideswiped, and I wish that Remiel had prepared me a little better for this.

Delinda looks up and beams at Remiel. “Papa!” she squeals and flies into his arms. I watch as he gathers her close to him and places a kiss on her forehead, his eyes so full of adoration for the girl it makes me melt just a little bit towards him. He clearly loves her dearly.

“Delinda,” he says. “This is your mama.” He turns her to face me and she scrunches up her face and scrutinizes me shrewdly.

“Yes,” she says. “Papa said I look like you.”

And she does. Oh, my word, but she does.

“You are so pretty,” I say to her and hold my arms out.

Remiel hands her to me and she snuggles into me and I nearly cry at her rapid acceptance of her absent mother.

“That makes you pretty as well,” she says, patting my face with her little hand.

“Thank you,” I say with a smile. “What are you playing here?” I indicate the rug.

“Dolls!” she shrieks at me in excitement and wiggles out of my arms to get back to her game.

I cast a glance at Remiel, and he smiles shyly at me and takes my hand. “She’s perfect,” I murmur.

“You both are,” he replies and then leads me to where Delinda is playing and we sit down to join in.

Chapter 17

The Underworld, August 2014 – Xane

He searches frantically through the latest book he dragged off the shelf. This has some aspects of black magick in it and he is currently reading in Latin how to curse someone to death.

No! This isn’t what I want. He slams the book closed and leans his head on his hands. He looks up as there is a soft knock on his office door. “What?” he snaps at his mother.

“Still nothing,” she says, and she enters the office and closes the door.

“Then work him over harder,” he growls. “He will tell you what he did to Xerxei’s mark or I will kill him.”

“That would be counterproductive,” Xanthe says.

“I don’t give a fuck!” Xane yells at her. “Do not protect him, Mother.”

“I’m not,” she snaps at him. “If you would calm down for a minute, I do have something to tell you.”

He tries really hard to let go of his temper, but he is so anxious about what is happening to him and Xerxei that he is very close to panicking. “Go on,” he says tersely.

Xanthe bobs her head in acknowledgement. “Xander cannot tell me why or how he did it because he has been coerced into staying silent.”

“Coerced?” Xane says confused. “By who?”

“If I knew that we wouldn’t be having this conversation,” she points out mildly.