“Take me to her,” I whisper and wait anxiously for his response.

He nods. “Yes, I want to. But beware, my love. Tiamat does not know you are coming, and She will be furious.”

“I don’t care,” I say. “I just want to see her and touch her.”

“Delinda,” he says. “Her name is Delinda. It means the noble one.”

“Delinda,” I repeat and while it’s pretty, I am sad that I didn’t get to pick out her name myself.

“I knew you would come around,” he says.

“What do you mean?” I ask, confused.

“It was your intention to leave her and me, wasn’t it, Aefre? You were going to come back here and just leave her,” he says.

Ah, shit. How do I play this? Yes, I had thought that at the time. I was desperate to get back to my charges and husbands, but I would have gone back for her. I know that deep down.

“I didn’t know what to do,” I say cautiously. “If you had let me hold her, I would have stayed.”

“I know,” he says with a smile. “We belong together, the three of us.”

I nod my acceptance of his words and he circles my wedding rings with his fingers. He slides them off my hand and I start to protest, but I cannot. I am this close to getting what I want. He places my perfect blue diamond and my Faerie Silver wedding ring on the nightstand, and he says, “You don’t need those anymore. I will give you ones even more precious.”

I swallow and try not to gaze longingly at them. They are the most precious things that I own or at least they were. My daughter is far more precious, and I need to get to her, that is all that I can think about right now. CK is going to be devastated when he sees them, but we have discussed this at length, and he knows that I love him, but I have to do everything I can to bring Delinda home. The cold, dark, sinking pit in my stomach doesn’t go unnoticed and I feel an overwhelming sense of dread. I want my ring back, but I must leave it where it is.

“Let’s go,” Remiel says and I smile up at him, excited and nervous, and I’ll admit a little fearful of what Tiamat is going to do when She sees me.

Almost as if She knew we were coming, She is waiting for us as Remiel Astrals us straight into the Dragon Realms. It really peeves me off that he can do that, and I can’t.

We land in the foyer of Her huge fortress and see Her standing there with Her hands on Her hips and an enraged look on Her face that makes me tremble inside. Well, at least She wasn’t waiting for us in Dragon form, I suppose.

“What do you think you are doing?” She hisses at Remiel, ignoring me completely for the moment, thankfully.

Remiel tightens his arm around me and I am grateful for the support. I know there is going to be war when I take Delinda away from here, but an all-out death match when we just arrived was not on my to-do list.

“Bringing my daughter her mother,” Remiel says. “This has gone on for too long.”

“You will not set foot near that child,” She says with such disgust to me that I quake.

“Aefre is here to take her rightful place,” Remiel answers for me. “We are together, and we are going to be a family.”

Tiamat looks mildly surprised as She raises Her eyebrow at me. “Oh, really,” She drawls. “You have given up your whoring ways to be with him?” Her disbelief is evident.

“He is my Chosen One,” I say stiffly. “We belong together.”

“Ha,” She scoffs. “You are a fool if you think she will remain true to you,” She says to Remiel. “The Vampire in her will always want more.”

I turn to Remiel in surprise. She doesn’t know? How does She not know? Why did he not tell Her? He avoids my intent look and replies, “That doesn’t worry me, seeing as she is no longer a Vampire. Her true nature has arisen, and she has accepted her destiny with me.”

She looks very surprised by that and I see a flitter of disapproval go across Her face before Her fierceness slams back into place. “I am sure she convinced you of that while you were between her legs,” Tiamat says insultingly. It is like She doesn’t even want me to be reverse-turned and accepting of my destiny with Remiel. What is all that about?

I just stand there like a mute. An invisible one at that, seeing as they are talking about me like I am not even here.

“What we share is beyond your comprehension,” Remiel says, pissed off that our time together has been lowered to something disgusting. “Now, if you will excuse us, Aefre has somewhere she needs to be.” And with that he turns us around and we stalk off and up the stairs. I am waiting to be hit in the back with a Fireball, but it doesn’t come.

I can feel Tiamat seething behind me, and I wonder why She isn’t stopping us. It suddenly occurs to me that perhaps She doesn’t want to try and take us both on as we seem to be so united. I am sure She could s

till wipe the floor with us with Her eyes closed and Her hands tied behind Her back, but maybe we are a collective enough force to make Her think twice about it. That makes me happy, but also very, very worried. Remiel isn’t going to stand by and let me take our daughter out of here and their collective power is going to head my way, very soon.