She sinks back into his embrace and he smiles to himself. She wants to be in his arms as much as he wants her here.

“Now, I really should go,” she says after a few minutes and this time he lets her go. He watches her as she sweeps her hand over herself and she is dressed and ready to go in the blink of an eye.

“No fair,” he says. “I wanted to watch you get dressed.”

She giggles at him. “Next time, sweet Cade.”

“When is next time?” he asks eagerly. He can’t wait to see her again.

“I don’t know,” she says with a frown. “There is much coming in the next weeks.”

“Tomorrow then,” he says. “I need to be with you.”

“I will try,” she says. “Do not be disappointed if I am not here.”

“It will kill me,” Cade says.

She strokes his face gently with a sad smile. “I, too, will feel the loss of not being with you.”

“Then stay,” he says quickly.

Pyleah shakes her head at him and then steps back and disappears in a puff of smoke, taking his very essence with her. He determines that the next time Sebastian pops in he is going to ask who she is. But then he remembers that the time is coming when they will all be shipped off to the Fae Kingdoms anyway. That is Liv’s plan as the Dragons won’t be able to get to them there. If he has to wait for then to be with her then he will wait.

She is worth every second.

Chapter 16

The Underworld, August 2014 – Aefre

I haven’t been able to find CK anywhere. It is a slight worry because I should be able to find him anywhere in our network of Realms. I do, however, find Devon, who blasts the living daylights out of me for forgiving Lincoln so easily about being with Other Liv. I try to explain to him that Lincoln was a broken, desperate man that was losing his faculties and that he, Devon, was quite aware of what he was doing with that skank. It doesn’t go over so well, so I add to him that he is held to a higher standard than everyone else because of who he is to me.

That appeases him, to my relief, and he goes off happy with me again, but not altogether ecstatic. Something is bothering that boy and I will find out what it is, just right now I need to find CK. I need to explain to him about Fraser and try and make him understand that I thought I could save him. It is slightly redundant now, though; bringing him here without turning him would be pointless, as I would just end up losing him all over again. I feel an overwhelming sense of guilt and disgust at myself as I think briefly that maybe there is a place here for Other Fraser after all. I choke back the betrayal of that thought and I stand in our bedroom and close my eyes and I try again to locate CK, but I fail miserably.

“Whatcha doin’?” Cade asks, startling me.

“Trying to find my husband,” I say, opening my eyes to see him leaning against the door frame.

“Which one?” he asks with a smirk.

“Ha ha,” I reply sarcastically. “What do you want?”

He shrugs and comes into the bedroom. “Just to see how you are,” he says a bit shifty.

“Just dandy, thanks,” I say, but then I break down and cry as I am so strung out, I could snap.

He stands there staring at me, mortified for a minute, before he stiffly puts his arms around me. I sink against him and he pats my back, letting me have my little meltdown without trying to reassure me with false sentiments. Sometimes that’s better. I sniffle and he shuffles back from me awkwardly and shoves his hands in his pockets.

“Sorry,” I mumble as I dry my eyes. “Just stuff, you know?”

“Yep,” he says. “Uh…”

“What?” I look up at him and he is staring over my shoulder.

“Aefre,” Remiel says and I spin towards him.

I plaster a smile on my face and say, “Hi.”

“I’ll leave you alone now,” Cade says slowly and backs out of the room, closing the door quietly.